Chapter 21

2727 Words

            {Allie’s P.O.V.}            Dorian insisted on carrying me up the stairs, even though he was injured. Once we got to our door, he put me down and we walked in together. Before, the door closed, we heard shouting in the living room. I was about to go back down, but Dorian stopped me.             “Leave them, they need to work it out,”             “But…” he shook his head and pulled me inside. He closed the door and locked it behind us. I looked him up and down and saw that some of his injuries were already sealing closed. “Come on, let’s get you washed up, you are filthy,” he nodded his head. I led him into the bathroom and took off my clothes. Although this bathroom was smaller than the one at the packhouse, there was still plenty of room for both of us. I turned on the show

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