Chapter 9

1602 Words

            {Allie’s P.O.V.}             “Wait! So, Devin is a werewolf?” Sin asks me as we sat on the bed in her and Mikey’s room going through the stuff we bought.           “Yeah, Dorian admitted when I asked him,” I said while holding a silk lingerie nightdress I bought at Victoria’s Secret.             “Ooooh, that is sexay mama!” she said while looking at it.             “You know I like to wear lingerie to bed,” I said while cutting off the tag.             “So, how did you figure it out Devin was not human?”             “Remember when I told you I got into that b***h fight with Dorian’s ex?”             “Yeah, with that chick Jennifer?”             “Jessica,” I corrected             “Same difference! Her name has zero importance,” Sin said while admiring her clothes in the

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