Chapter 54

3299 Words

          {Allie’s P.O.V.}           To say that Dorian made good on his promise that night would be a major understatement. Dorian and I made into the house but barely made it up the stairs before Dorian started to rip my clothes off, and I mean rip them off. I had complained that I would never have enough clothes to fill my side of the closet and I was right because Dorian kept tearing them to confetti. Those 40 panties I bought, yeah, I was down to less than half that.           By the time we made it to the room, it was game over. Dorian took me on the floor for at least two hours before he got me into the bed. We were going to need to get both the carpet in our bedroom and our mattress deep cleaned. Dorian had me cumming and squirting nonstop that night and it was amazing. He never

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