Book 2 Chapter 23

3463 Words

{Deacon’s P.O.V.} When we woke up the next morning, I made sure to text Amber to get a location on Heather, thankfully, they had already eaten breakfast and left the hotel. They went to Aria, so my brother’s and I went to Caesar’s Palace for breakfast, “Seriously, I can’t believe we have to resort to playing hide and go seek with your ex,” Lucian complained. “It’s not ideal, I know, but it’s that or we leave and go home,” I tell him. “No, we’re supposed to have dinner with Shorty. I’ll play keep away with Deacon’s life as long as I have to because I want to actually see them,” Apollo replied. “I guess, but it still sucks,” Lucian said. “Let’s eat, and do some black Friday shopping, and then head over to Shorty’s,” I tell them. “We should get early Christmas gifts or gift cards for a

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