Book 2 Chapter 18

3816 Words

{Allie’s P.O.V.} Three months later “SIMBA!!!!!” I screamed from the bottom of the stairs. “I AM GOING TO BE LATE BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!” “I’M COMING!” Simba shouted as he ran down the stairs as fast as he could. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t find my wallet. One of the twins had hidden it again,” “How many times have I told you to put it away where they can’t get it,” “I know, I know,” he said and pushed me towards the garage. It was the Thursday before Thanksgiving break, and I needed to be at school in exactly 90 minutes before I was late to my first class of the day. This one particular teacher was an asshole when it came to tardiness. If that door closed before you were inside, you were absent, and I had perfect attendance thus far. I still haven’t heard from Deacon, and Amber said that

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