Book 2 Chapter 5

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{Allie’s P.O.V.} “Allison?” I looked up and saw a familiar face. “Allison Park, is that you?” “Shawn Jensen?” “Hey! What’s up?!” he came over and hugged me, but I didn’t hug him back. I could tell the kids were confused and Dorian was getting mad. I was confused for a second but then I sensed that he was a werewolf. “Wait, what the f**k?” he stopped hugging me and looked at me funny. I looked at him funny. “You’re a werewolf?” we both said softly since there were a lot of humans around. “Hold up, you were human in high school,” he said. “When did you…” “When my mate found me,” I tell him. “Mate?” he says and finally sees Dorian. He jumps back a little seeing Dorian’s size. Honestly, how the f**k could he miss him? Dorian is humungous. “Hold up, what happened to Devin?” he asked. Hearing that name made me want to vomit. “I thought you two would be married by now,” “You don’t know what happened do you?” I asked him. He looked at me funny. “Shawn, Devin assaulted me after high school, and I got him locked up for three years. He threatened to kill me, so I ran away from New Hampshire,” “He did what?” “Who the f**k are you?” Dorian asked. Shawn looked at him with disgust. “Babe, this is Shawn Jensen, he and I went to high school together. He was Devin’s best friend,” Dorian growls at my response making Shawn step back a little bit. “f**k, you’re an Alpha,” he says and then looks at me with wide eyes. “Wait, Allison, that means you’re…” “A Luna, yeah,” he looks at me so confused and lost. “Shawn, what are you doing in Florida?” “I live here now,” he replies. That should have been obvious. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “We’re here visiting my sister-in-law,” I replied. “Sister-in-law?” “Yeah…I’m married,” I say and show him my wedding ring. “Wait, if you’re married to this guy, where the f**k is Devin?” “Wow, you don’t know anything do you?” he just looked at me blankly. “Okay, this is not a conversation we can have in front of humans, come outside with us,” We all head out and get to the car. We loaded up all the bags and told the kids to wait in the car. Dorian turned it on so they can have the A/C, “Alright, we’re outside now. Spill Allison,” Shawn said. “Shawn, Devin is dead,” I tell him bluntly. “WHAT?! When? How?” “Two years ago,” “I killed him,” Dorian said, and Shawn looked at him in shock. “What the f**k? Why?” Shawn asked in disgust. “Shawn, Devin threatened to kill me in court. Four years after I left, Devin found me in Las Vegas at my place of employment and ruined my life, again. He trashed my condo, stole all of my savings, and even stole my car to try and prevent me from running away. Luckily, that same day though, Dorian found me,” “Wait, he actually tracked you down to try and kill you?” “Not only that, but he also teamed up with Dorian’s ex-girlfriend. They put a pack of rogues wolves together and tried to kill me and our Beta,” I tell him. “I had no idea Devin was that insane. He loved you, but I didn’t think he was capable of hurting you,” “Shawn, he abused me for eight months before he assaulted me and left me for dead in his dorm at SNHU,” “Allison, I had no idea. He…” Shawn paused a moment. “Allison, you were his mate,” “WHAT!?!” Dorian and I both shout. Did he just say I was Devin’s mate? “Wait…what? That can’t be true!” I exclaim. “It is, he knew as soon as he turned 18,” “That doesn’t make sense, why he would physically abuse me if I was his mate? “I don’t know, but he if assaulted you, he technically mated with you,” “What does that have to do with anything?” I ask. Shawn looks at Dorian. I see his face darken as if he realizes something. “Shawn, was Devin given his Alpha title?” Dorian asks. “No, his dad was waiting for him to find a mate,” Shawn replied. “But he technically had one,” “Selene never said anything about this,” I say under my breath. “Who’s Selene?” Shawn asked. “The moon goddess,” Dorian and I answer. “Whoa, you guys know the moon goddess?” “That’s not important,” Dorian says. “Now I understand why Devin was so obsessed with you, baby,” “Even if I was his mate, that fucker tried to kill me! He even said it himself, when he attacked us two years ago, I was supposed to die that night in his dorm. According to Selene, I actually did die. This means that Devin killed his mate, which means he broke the law. Which is why he was banished after being sent to prison,” “Allison, you’re alive though, and if Devin mated with you, you were technically the future Luna of his pack,” “f**k the technicalities, Shawn, Devin came after me a second time, and tried to kill me again, any ties I may have because of him were broken the moment my heart stopped,” “She’s right Shawn, even if Allie was Devin’s mate as so you claim, Allie has no ties to his pack because he broke werewolf law by killing her and attempting to do it a second time,” Dorian tells him. Shawn just looks at us. “Shawn, what’s the name of Devin’s Pack?” I ask. “White Mountain,” “I, Allison Shaw, Luna of the Desert Moon pack, formerly known as Allison Park, hereby cut any and all ties I may have with the White Mountain Pack, and I reject the late Devin McMillian as my mate and partner,” “f**k, that was harsh,” Shawn says. “It probably wasn’t even necessary, because as I said, I have no ties to Devin or his old pack. The mood goddess doesn’t make mistakes,” I said as cold-heartedly as possible. Shawn lets out a big sigh and nods his head. “It was good to see you, Allison; although I wish it were under better circumstances,” “You too Shawn, take care,” he tipped his hand and walked away. After he was out of sight, I finally broke down and started to cry. Dorian pulled me into his embrace and held me as tight as he could. “Dorian, please tell me there’s nothing to worry about,” “It’s like you said, Selene doesn’t make mistakes. If her word is that you died that night, then Devin killed his Luna. Her word is the law and every werewolf in the world knows that,” “You promise?” I ask while sobbing in chest “Yes,” he lifted my chin and gave me a gentle kiss. “Come on, let’s go back to the house,” I nodded, and we got in the car and left. “Aunt Allie, are you okay?” Christian asked. “I’m fine sweetheart,” “But you’re crying,” Calleigh said with a concerned tone. “I’m sorry, honey. Something just came up with that old friend of mine, and it made me a little sad, but I promise I’m okay, alright?” I tell her while looking at the kids in the backseat. “Kids, do not tell your parents what you saw today okay?” Dorian said and they nodded. “I think we should talk to an Elder,” I tell him. “Why?” “I just want to be positive,” I say and look at him. He nods. “Aunt Allie,” “Yes, Cam?” I turn around and looked at him. “We have an elder in our pack,” he replies. “You do?” he nods. “Thank you, for telling me that,” I turn and face the front and Dorian takes my hand. The drive back was faster since there was less traffic. Once we pulled into the garage, the kids took their bags and ran inside excited. When we finally walked in, the house smelled wonderfully delicious with all the food that was being prepared, and the backyard was decorated quite nicely. “Wow, you guys really go all out,” I say to no one particular. “Corinne likes to throw parties,” Amber said giving me a hug. “Thanks for taking the kids out. They look super happy…” she paused and looked at me. “…But you don’t,” “Amber, we need to speak to your pack elder,” Dorian says. “Why? What’s going on?” she asked “Something happened while we were at the mall, and we need the advice from an elder about it,” I tell her. “Yeah, go to our room, and we’ll get the elder and meet you there,” she said and went to go find the elder. Dorian took my shopping bags and put them away in our room while I went to go wait in Amber’s room. I stood in the middle of the floor because I didn’t know where else to sit or stand. Dorian came in and he could tell how worried I was. He hugged me and we just waited until Amber, Ronnie, and the Elder arrived, “Elder Archibald Bane,” the elder said putting out his hand. “But you can call me Archie,” “Alpha Dorian Shaw of the Desert Moon Pack in Las Vegas, this is my wife and my Luna, Allison,” we both shook Archie’s hand. “Amber tells me you need some advice about an incident that occurred,” we nod. “What can do I do for you?” Dorian and I explain what happened at the mall after running into my old classmate, and how Devin was the future Alpha of his pack when he assaulted me. We explained how Devin attempted to kill me after he got out of prison and was banished and how the moon goddess indicated that I had actually died the night of the assault. Amber and Ronnie were able to confirm the claim since they were also there that night and bore witness to the moon goddess’ statement. “We just want to make sure that everything is okay. That I indeed have no ties to the White Mountain pack in New Hampshire,” I tell him. He rubs his chin for a minute and thinks. “This is quite a lot of information to take in; however, after hearing all of the details, I do believe that your claim holds true Luna Shaw. The fact that a future Alpha physically attacked his mate and admitted that his intent was to kill her, then he did indeed break our laws. Which is why the elders in his state banished him. That alone does sever any bond you may have had with him, along with your bond to his pack,” “You’re positive that this pack can’t come after her?” Amber asks. “Yes, our laws are quite clear. Any wolf, especially that of an Active or non-active Alpha that physically harms his mate, or makes an attempt on her life, is banished and that Luna has the choice to stay with the pack or sever ties with it. In Luna Shaw’s case, she severed ties with it without even knowing she was the future Luna, mostly because she was human and simply just didn’t know,” we all let out a sigh of relief. “That, and the moon goddess has already declared your innocence Luna Shaw. Her word is the law. Even an elder cannot defy the moon goddess,” “Oh, thank the moon goddess,” Amber sighed and leaned against Ronnie. “Yeah, no kidding. The moon goddess showing up at Allie’s Luna Ceremony that night in front of the entire pack was a blessing in disguise,” Ronnie responded. “Or a blessing she knew I would need,” I mutter. “Alpha Shaw, I can tell you right now that if for whatever reasons, this White Mountain pack attempts to make a claim on the Luna, their entire pack could be dismantled, so you have nothing to worry about. Unless they want to end up in shambles, they should leave her alone,” “Thank you, Archie,” Dorian said and shakes his hand again. I bow my head in respect and he leaves. I lean against Dorian and just think about the events that transpired today. “Allie?” Amber got my attention. “You good?” “No,” “But Archie said…” “It’s not about that. Shawn lied to us,” I said. “What do you mean baby?” Dorian asked. “Shawn said he lived here now, but if that was true, why didn’t he smell like a rogue?” I replied. “He could have been excommunicated,” Ronnie said. I looked up and gave him a confused look. Like, hello, I’m still a newborn. “It basically means he was released from his pack without any consequence,” I make an O shape with my mouth. “Babe, did you get Omega off of him?” I asked Dorian. “No, I didn’t. I did feel that he was ranked, but very low level,” “Meaning his bloodline doesn’t come from ranked wolves” I reply. “Exactly. For example, I’m considered a high-level Alpha, because our entire family comes from a long history of Alphas. Hundreds of years’ worth of Shaw Alphas have run their own packs, ten generations alone have run Desert Moon,” “We have a great uncle in Utah from our dad’s side that has built his own pack from the ground up, and another distant relative in Michigan or something like that who is also an Alpha,” Amber adds on. “Brandon and Mikey are high levels too, right?” I ask and Dorian nods. “You know, hearing that Devin was the future Alpha to his pack makes a lot of sense now,” Dorian says. “What do you mean?” I ask “Remember how big his wolf was?” “Oh yeah, Brandon and Mikey said that Devin had Alpha blood in him, but I guess that wasn’t just the case,” I reply. “Whatever all this s**t is, it’s f*****g over. You are safe and you are part of my family little sis, so I will be damned if anyone tries to take you from us,” Amber says putting her around me. I smile and hug her back. We look at Ronnie and see his eyes clouded over. “Dinner is ready,” he says. Dorian takes my hand and we go downstairs. I felt better knowing that the elder was behind my back, and even if he wasn’t, I knew that Selene was. You do have my back, right Selene? Yes. Do not worry child. White Mountain has no claim on you. I loved having a relationship with the moon goddess. Even if Selene didn’t always show herself, she would answer me whenever I needed to hear her voice. When we got downstairs, there were a lot more people. It looked like most of the pack was in attendance. There were pups running around all over the backyard and playing on the jungle gym. We went to the main dining room, and there were more people and along with the rank members, “Ah! Dorian and Allie, let me introduce you to my daughters,” Bernie said pulling us over to two really beautiful brunettes. “This my oldest Heather and my second born, Lacie,” “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Alpha and Luna Shaw,” Heather said and they both bowed their heads. “Please, call me Allie, I don’t think we’re that far apart in age,” I tell them. “How old are you if you don’t mind my asking,” “Not at all, I’m 21,” Heather responded. “And I’m 19,” Lacie said. “Yup, not far apart at all, I’m 24,” “Wow, you look so much younger,” Heather replied. “It’s her damn Asian genes,” Amber said as she walked by with a tray of food. We all laughed. Something about Heather was throwing me off. I looked at her a minute and realized what it was. “Allie, is everything okay?” Heather asked. “Heather, do you have your mate yet?” I asked her. She shook her head no. I just smiled, and she gave me a confused look. “Why do you ask?” “I was just curious,” I reply. “Will you excuse us please?” I say to them and they nod. I grab Dorian and pull him outside to speak in private out of hearing range. “Let me guess, you know who her mate is,” he asks. “Yeah, and you’re not going to believe who it is,” “Someone from our pack?” “No, someone from another pack,” “Who?” “I’ll give you a hint…He’s an Alpha,” Dorian looked at me funny and thought about it a minute. Then he looked at me with wide eyes once he realized who I was speaking of, “No,” “Yes,” “You think her mate is Deacon?” “I know it is. Her essence just screams Deacon, babe. It’s an essence I can never forget. He saved my life, the bond I have him is strong because of that,” “Does Deacon even want a mate?” “I don’t know. He hasn’t called,” I replied. “And I honestly don’t want to call him and press the subject because it’s not my place. If I knew for a fact he wanted one, I’d be on the phone right now telling him to get his ass over here, but since he hasn’t brought it up, there’s not much I can do,” “Allie, you can’t keep this yourself either,” “Well, it’s not like I can walk back in there and tell Heather I know who her mate is,” “You know who my mate is?” Ah f**k.
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