Chapter 14

2099 Words

            {Allie’s P.O.V.}             “Wait, he told you that he can turn you into a werewolf?” Sin asked me.             “Yeah, he did,” I replied             “Are you going to do it?”             “I have no idea, to be honest. I mean, that is a huge decision to make. Give up my humanity to be supernatural,”             “Do you love him?”             “Does that matter?”             “Of course, it does. I don’t think that you make a decision like this based on anything else. The question really is, do you love him enough to do this?”             “Sin, I don’t think this decision can be made solely on the fact that I love him,”             “Allie, babe, if you do this, you could be with him forever. He already treats you like a queen, and the pack loves you,”             “What

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