Chapter 24

3028 Words

            {Allie’s P.O.V.}             “We want you to turn us into werewolves,” we said in unison. The silence in the dining room was loud if that even made sense. Neither one of them said anything.             “Uh, Sin…”             “Girl, I think we broke them,” she said while waving her hand at Mikey             “Baby?” I said grabbing Dorian’s face. Still no response. “Oh, for f***s sake,” I pulled Dorian into a kiss. It took a second, but he finally registered it and kissed me back. I broke the kiss and looked at him. I turn back to Sin and see she also kissed Mikey.             “Allie, did I hear you correctly?” I smiled and nodded.             “Honey?” Sin said to Mikey. He looked over at Dorian and then back at Sin and smiled.             “I am assuming that you girls wan

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