Attack of Vines

1012 Words

Phoenix|| Fear kept me on my toes. I had escaped from one cage and I was sure as hell not going to end up in another one. It was difficult to keep up with Marius but there was no other choice. I had no idea who was following us but he did. I trusted his instincts because he had lived in the wild all his life. Hell, he was king of the wild northern werewolves. We were both deep in the forest now and it felt like the thick, huge and tall trees, the vines and the leaves were all watching us as we moved. I had never felt as uneasy as I was now in my life. "Look," Marius whispered as we walked. He nodded at a crow perched perfectly on a thick branch of a tree. "It's a crow," I replied. "I know it's a crow princess, I am trying to tell you that it's been following us ever since we enter

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