#11 Wolves

1565 Words

That night Scarlett could not sleep at all. Too much was going on in her head and heart. Even though she understood why no one trusted her or wanted to tell her about Boromir's relation with her aunt Hilda, it troubled her every time she closed her eyes. The fact that once Boromir was their most entrusted bodyguard was giving her a hard time digesting it. Everything around her was changing so suddenly and abruptly. Scarlett had so many things to ask about her mother and that fateful night. Even though she was there, she hardly has any memory of it. No one would answer her straight, and her father would get very depressed if anyone utters her mother, Regina's, name. It had become like a taboo to discuss that night, the night they lost their queen, and the emperor lost a part of his soul.

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