#25 Aura

1754 Words

Logan and Scarlett had forged a bond of understanding and mutual trust. With each passing day, they grew closer and fonder of each other. In the day, she was the princess, and he was his bodyguard. And sometimes, he taught her fighting skills. But in the night, and far from other's eyes, they were lovers. In his eyes, she found her peace. In his embrace, she found her comfort. While Logan, for the first time in a long time, felt alive. Now Scarlett was driving with determination and dedication. She worked harder and brighter. She was learning faster now that her mind was clear from troubling thoughts after the conversation with Logan. Their little secret helped her to relax and give her new hope. Scarlett got training to fight with swords, axes, maces, crossbows, spears, and daggers. S

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