Chapter 59 – The Omega Princess.

2354 Words

Chapter 59 – The Omega Princess. Ramila stood, staring at the dropped bags that belonged to her friend, not a sign of her anywhere. She looked around the aisle filled with men’s XL clothing, but Liane had disappeared out of sight. There was no way that Liane would have transported herself and left all her shopping. Confusion at her missing friend soon changed to pure panic. “Liane, where are you?” Ramila attempted to mind-link. An anxiousness formed in the pit of her stomach, as there was no answer. After numerous attempts at mind-linking Liane, she grabbed her phone from her bag, something was clearly not right. “Marcus, something is wrong.” Ramila whispers down the phone to Liane’s mate, hoping he did not blame her for her best friend’s sudden disappearance. “What?” he growls

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