Chapter 52 – The Omega Princess.

1892 Words

Chapter 52 – The Omega Princess. Phoenix sits in her seat as she watches the guards drag Julio to the centre of the field. Her eyes glance over to the gathered council, as Teo stands up to begin the proceedings. “Julio, heir of the fallen L’Adou pack, you are hereby accused of plotting the murder of your pervious Alpha and father. You are also charged with the theft of liquid silver, and passing it to a known criminal, Resus-the-Rogue. You are also charged with the misappropriation of pack funds, to subsidise your own selfish desires, and gaming debts,” Teo begun. “You are entitled to a defence, and we have allocated one of your former pack members to represent you. Your fate will be decided by the council, who will act as the jury in this case,” he continued. “How do you plead?” T

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