Chapter 12 - The Omega Princess.

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Chapter Twelve – The Omega Princess. The dense trees on the outskirts of the Montseny Forest passed in a blur. The draw-stringed bag that contained Phoenix’s clothes and wash kit flapping about from her mouth, as Ava excitedly ran with Rabbi Jonathan’s wolf, and Cia, Amalia’s wolf. Phoenix felt refreshed; it was lovely to know her wolf was so happy, running around with other werewolves. As the pack drew closer, Phoenix felt a bubble of excitement rising up in her stomach, Ava was almost giddy with joy, as she jumped over fallen branches, loving her life. “We are going to be so happy at this pack, I just know it,” Ava shouted with glee to Phoenix. “I hope so Ava, it would be amazing if we are accepted,” Phoenix agreed. Although she was not quite as sure as her wolf seemed to be. A lot of things could go wrong, especially if the pack found out who her parents were. Although Phoenix did not relish the thought of keeping something from her twin’s Alpha, she felt it was necessary at first, just to give the pack a chance to get to know her as a person rather than the royal title she possessed. After an hour of running, Ava jumped over a wooden fence that had signs that she understood to say, danger and to not enter. Phoenix noticed the markings on trees, indicating that she was now entering into the lands of the Montseny pack. “Legally we own the whole of the Montseny Forrest, however we only use a part of it, as tourists still like to visit. However, they never come this deep into trees, plus we have signs and a fenced off area three miles back to ensure they do not stray where we are. Our border patrol man that area in human form day and night, then the normal warrior patrol man this part of the border into the actual pack.” Jonathon mind linked with her. “For sure our pack is not grand and rich like you may be used to, but it is home. Teo is looking for new business ventures to strengthen our financial situation. After Alpha Alix was killed, it came to light that the finances were not as healthy as we believed them to be, so he had to cut back a little,” Amalia informed her. Phoenix was not bothered by how rich a pack was, just how friendly, and welcoming the members would be towards her. Yes, she came from a very wealthy family, who owned large corporations that made billions, and employed both humans and werewolves, but they were not ones for flashing their money around, apart from motorbikes, that was her dad’s main vice, he loved the newest, fasted bike to ride with her mam on, it was their favourite pass time. Rabbi came to a stop; Amalia beside him. “We will change behind this tree; you will be safe here to shift and get ready,” Jonathon told her, and both wolves walked behind a couple of large trees. Phoenix shifted, and quickly got dressed, back into her black combat trousers and white vest top, then picked up the bag, and waited for her twin and his mate. By the amount of giggling coming from behind the trees they were using to shift and changed, Phoenix gathered they may take a while, and smiled inwardly. A few moments later, they stepped out, hand in hand. “Come on,” Jonathon beckoned her with a warm smile on his face. A large wolf approached them, Phoenix could tell it was a pack warrior, and he conversed in fast Spanish to Jonathon. Phoenix could not understand any of what they were saying, and she made a mental note to get some extra Spanish lessons so she could speak with the pack in their own language. “Phoenix this is Johan, he is one of our warriors. Johan this is my twin sister Phoenix, she is staying with us tonight.” Jonathon introduced them. “Very good to meet with you,” Johan said with a thick accent. “Thank you, and you.” Phoenix smiled. As they made their way through the trees, Phoenix wondered how the wolves never got lost, but within a few moments they entered a clearing, and her heart pounded in her chest. “This is beautiful,” Phoenix exclaimed. One large pack house made purely of timber sat between some trees. It reminded her of her Uncle Joshua and Aunty Nicki’s pack house, it had three floors, and a wooden balcony on each of the top two floors expanded across the house, each section was separated, obviously for the different accommodation. Across the opposite side was smaller tree houses, that sat perfectly in the landscape, ladders lead to the entrance of each home. Phoenix counted around 20. “We have more of these just west of this main area for the older wolves, they are ground level,” Jonathon told her. “They look amazing.” Phoenix smiled, enamoured by their simplistic beauty. “Yes, they are a lot larger inside than they look. Like, how you say, the TARDIS.” Amalia grinned. “You watch Dr. Who?” Phoenix grinned at her friend. “No, but I hear of this.” Amalia giggled. Phoenix smiled and nodded in response. They walked up the main outdoor wooden stairs into the pack house. Ava was getting ever more excited with each step. “Will you calm down.” Phoenix laughed at her wolf. “I love it, Phoenix, I feel like we have come home,” Ava shouted excitedly. Phoenix shook her head, home, did this place feel like home? She was not sure, but she knew she felt a peace around her that she had only ever felt when at the Royal Crescent Moon pack, so maybe her wolf was right. As they entered the pack house a smell of applewood, and bergamot filled her nostrils, making her mouth water, it was the best scent she had ever come across, and she wondered where it was coming from. Phoenix resisted the overwhelming urge to hunt out where the origin of the scent was, as Ava began to get even more hyper inside her, begging her to find out if it belonged to anyone. But although the addictive smell hung in the air, it seemed fainter than if it belonged to someone in the pack house, plus she really did not want to make an i***t of herself running around the pack house searching for it. “I will show you to your suite, Juan has taken over the running of the international students’ area, which is located 6-miles east of here, so Teo has given you the Gamma Suite to stay in whenever you like.” Jonathon smiled proudly. Again, at the mention of the Alpha, Phoenix felt her stomach do a back flip, and she could not help but wonder why. “Can I train with you at all?” Phoenix asked, hoping some training and fighting would calm her overly excited wolf down. “Yes, we do two sessions per day, 5 am and 7 pm, I normally do the morning one, but Johan just told me the Alpha is visiting a pack and will not be back till after midnight tonight. So, we will grab something to eat, and I will put you through your paces.” Jonathon grinned at her. “I will show you to your rooms.” Amalia grinned then led Phoenix up the wooden staircase to the second level. …………….. Teo let out a frustrated sigh, as Alpha Pol once more denied that any of his wolves visited the shifter bar. “As I have told you, I do not allow my pack members to visit that den of iniquity.” The old Alpha growled. “Yet, the wolf Marcus here saw, was from your pack, so if you can line up all the male wolves, please, we can check them out, and be on our way.” Teo sighed. It was clear to him that Pol was protecting whoever it was that had frequented the bar and was reluctant to give the person to Teo for questioning. “I gave Alpha Franco my assurances that nothing would befall you tonight but watch your tone with me pup!” Pol growled. Carlos raged inside Teo at the obvious insult. “With all due respect Alpha, the quicker we do this, the quicker I get off your lands. Now, you can deal with me, or Alpha Franco.” Teo stood his ground, whilst reminding Carlos to attack an Alpha on his own turf was not a wise idea. Pol let out an annoyed hiss, quite why this Montseny boy-Alpha was the council’s favourite was beyond him, but he knew if he did not do at least the minimum to help Teo tonight, then he would face having the council sniffing around once more asking questions he really did not want to have to answer. He did not know how Alpha Alix had died, nor did her care. As far as he was concerned, the less Montseny wolves there were, the better. He hated them all with a passion, but his love of running his pack kept him in line with the council’s wishes. Sending a mind link, he gathered all male wolves to the training field. Some were not around, busy with other duties, and he had ensured to send Julio with them, knowing his son was the wolf they wanted to question. Pol sighed, why had he been gifted with an i***t for an heir was beyond him, all his son thought about was women and that bar. He did not show any real leadership qualities, despite his Alpha blood, and was rarely seen outside of the pack. Pol had not questioned his son regarding what he did or did not know, regarding the Montseny scums death. He really did not care either way, but him shooting his mouth off at that place filled with omega-rogues who would offer lap dances and more for cash, was a problem he did not want to deal with, and yet another reason as to why he was a constant disappointment. As the wolves all gathered on the training field a low hum echoed around the trees, as the L’adou males all speculated why they were called upon, and why they were to face questions from the young Alpha of Montseny pack. “This is all of them, other than my son who is away with the future beta and gamma on pack business,” Pol said with a wave of his hand. “He is hiding something,” Carlos growled. Teo had to agree with his wolf, he felt it as well, there was definitely something off about all this. “Can you form them up into lines so that Marcus can walk up and down to see if he recognises the wolf in question?” Teo asked. Pol let out a sigh, then gave the order, as Marcus began to make his way up and down the male wolves. “Anything?” Teo mind linked his warrior. “No Alpha, sorry, I think we have had a wasted journey, he is not here,” Marcus growled out in frustration; he had missed training for this. Teo stepped forward, he was probably going to offend Alpha Pol, but he really did not care at this point. He wanted, no, needed answers. “One of your pack members was seen at the Shifter Bar, and stated he knew for a fact who had killed Alpha Alix of the Montseny pack. Do any of you know who that was, or where he is?” Teo shouted across the field. He did not use his Alpha tone, but his authority was evident in the question. He noticed a couple of warrior wolves shift uncomfortable from foot-to-foot, both stood eyes wide, and he instantly knew they had information on who the wolf was. A young omega wolf, at the opposite side also looked scared out of his wits and Teo made a mental note, to find out who these wolves were. “Nobody knows anything, your warrior here is mistaken, probably drunk on wolf sangria at the time, and distracted by one of the omega rogue females. I am surprised you allow your warriors to visit such a place. Anyway, your time is up Alpha Teo, so might I suggest you leave our lands now, and please make sure you inform the council that we have complied,” Pol stated, then linked two of his border patrolling wolves, to come escort Teo and Marcus off his land. Teo gave a curt nod, then linked with Marcus. “The omega at the end, he is terrified, and clearly knows who you overheard, however, we are out of time, but keep him in your mind, if you see him in the bar again, let me know immediately so I can come and question him. Also, those two warriors at the other side, they know something, but will be more guarded than the young omega,” Teo informed him. “Yes Alpha,” he agreed, and the pair of them set off for the three-hour run back to their own pack house. As Teo entered his home, he was hit with the most mouth-watering scent, Carlos was jumping about inside of him like an excited puppy. “Who does that new scent belong to?” Teo asked Manuela as she passed him a glass of red wine. “The crushed lavender one, it is Jonathon’s twin sister Alpha. She is staying in Gamma Juans old rooms; they arrived just after you left.” Manuela smiled at him. “Is she still up? I have yet to meet her,” Teo asked, as excitement bubbled in his stomach. “No Alpha, she trained with Beta Jonathon, then watched some movies with him and Beta Amalia, and headed up to bed about an hour ago.” Manuela smiled. Teo nodded, but still his stomach was doing back flips, and Carlos was begging him to follow the delicious scent. “Calm down Carlos, we will meet her tomorrow,” he told his eager wolf, not sure why he was going giddy inside him, after all it was only Jonathon’s twin. “Alpha, Beta asked if you might do training in the morning, as he did tonight’s. He also said his twin will be attending, and told me to tell you, she almost beat his ass, even though she is just an omega.” Manuela added. Teo smirked and nodded, for some reason he could not fathom, hearing this girl was strong, and able to take on a beta despite her low rank, filled his heart with pride. Nodding his head at Manuela, Teo took off to his room, the crushed lavender scent becoming stronger as he hit the second floor, making Carlos almost howl in delight. “Is she, our mate?” Teo asked his wolf, as he felt his length stiffen as they passed by the Gamma Suite. “I don’t know, not until I see her eyes, but she is someone important to the pack,” Carlos informed him. Teo cursed himself, how would he face Jonathon tomorrow, knowing that his body had reacted to his long-lost twin sister, he needed to get a grip of his overactive hormones. “Okay, well we shall see her tomorrow then, and find out just who Jonathon’s twin actually is,” Teo stated, then rushed up the stairs to his suite, and headed straight for a freezing cold shower!
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