Chapter 25 – The Omega Princess.

1942 Words

Chapter 25 – The Omega Princess. Phoenix stood in a defensive stance, waiting for the rogue to attack, but the wolf just remained still, he stood unmoving. Although he was growling, Phoenix had the impression it was not aggressive, but more like an attempt at communication. “We are out of linking range,” Amalia whispered to Phoenix. Still Phoenix waited, reluctant to attack first, unsure of the rogue’s intentions, but she was still ready should the large black wolf strike, after another five minutes of the standoff, Phoenix took a breath. “I am Phoenix, future Luna of the Montseny pack. You are in our territory, can I ask who you are, as it does not seem you mean us any harm,” she said in English. Amalia quickly translated for her, when suddenly Antonio and Maria appeared from the

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