Chapter 36 – The Omega Princess.

2501 Words

Chapter 36 – The Omega Princess. Phoenix stood, waiting for the wolf in front of her to make his move, a taunting smirk on her face, she had the measure of the man. Although he looked to be a warrior, he was clearly not well trained, plus with the alcohol in his system, she knew he would be no match for her. Growling, he threw back his arm, clenched into a fist. Phoenix moved to the side, as he threw the punch aiming for her face, and missing. As quick as lightening, she landed her own punch, right in his groin, making him squeal like a little girl, and her laugh slightly. Still there was no time to be complacent; one down, about twenty to go. Liane disappeared from the sight of her attacker, only to return before he blinked with a bar stool in her hand, as she smashed it over his head

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