Chapter 48

1371 Words

“Your mate has been poisoned, King Sebastian.” The doctor said and Isabelle immediately fell to the ground. She didn’t need anyone to tell her that she would be suspected as she has been the only one hanging out with Ava. Sebastian on the other hand was angry. Very angry. He clenched his fists and stared into the doctor’s eyes, his jaw twitching. “Are you sure?” He asked and the man nodded. “What I find strange is the kind of poison that was used. It isn’t the type to kill her or something. It is meant to kill an unborn child. It’s a poison that makes a pregnant woman miscarry although, she isn’t pregnant.” He said and Isabelle’s eyes widen. She put the pieces together and it finally made sense to her. The reason why Sandra didn’t want her to take that particular glass was because she

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