Chapter 46

1413 Words

“Are you going somewhere?” Ava said as she saw Sebastian leaving the room fully dressed. His white hair was packed to the back, giving her a better view of his face which was always hidden behind his long and full hair. “Yeah. I have a meeting to attend in the company. Why? Are you missing me?” He smiled, snaking his arms around her waist to pull her in but she quickly slapped his hands away and moved to the side “We’re outside, Sebastian. People will see us.” She said, referring to the maids who were walking with their heads bowed, pretending to not have seen anything. “I don’t see a problem with that. They know that you are my mate. They all have mates who they get freaky with. Why can’t I get freaky with my mate?” He whined, closing their gap but Ava shifted away once again. “Yes bu

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