Chapter Thirteen: A Basement Prison

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Just after minute we arrived at this lonely hallway where there is a door at the end and an exit sign which leads to nothing… He opened the door by pressing his ID to this scanner and it opened, a dark alley met us. A metallic clicking sound echoed around the room, and as we walk further the smell of unpleasant odor started to fill up on my nose, and the wet ground start to become a bucket of water. “Where the hell are you taking me?” I asks the guard. “It is your punishment. Every single prisoner who sinned inside their prison, will be sent here, and spend their weeks here, to consume the sins that they have.” He answered me. As we reaches the last cell on this dark alley, he opened it and forced me to get inside. “Everything will be all over soon Lander.” hes aid and he looked me into my eyes, like he is giving me hidden message with his eyes. As he leaves the alley, I could hear the footstep slowly fading until it is gone, and the only thing I could hear is some dripping water from the ceiling and some whispering from the other prisoners in here. I have no idea if God is making me suffer and he is the one making this punishment for me, or I am just really unlucky to the death anniversary day of my mother. I take a deep breathe and sat to the bed that is inside the bed, I can’t help but be disgusted by the smell that is surrounding this place. I prayed every single day that everything that I am feeling, every pain that I have will be gone. But every single day that had come, every pain is just becoming worst. But even though these had all happened to me, I haven’t given up the faith that I have, because I believe that one day this will all be over soon. I just thought that as soon as I become the Madden’s son-in-law, everything will end, but no. Hernando disappears and leave me rot to his son’s basement, and now, I am rotting again in this cell, in this prison. I did everything I could just for me not to end up in jail from the crimes I did not commit, but in the end, I ended up being in jail for the crimes I did not commit. I laid myself down on the bed when I felt something behind the pillow. I got curious so I lift the pillow up and a note and a key was hidden there. “What the hell?” I picked it up and an address is written on the note, I have no idea if this was meant for me, or this is just a coincidence, or it belong to someone who is in this cell before me. Just as I am reading the note, an alarm went off from outside this room and I could hear screaming from outside. Everyone that is in this room got curious. I walk towards the gate of my cell and saw that everybody did exactly what I am doing. Until all the gate slowly opened and the emergency fire water got turned on and everyone got wet by it. As soon as the gate opened everyone ran out of their cell and tried to opened the door where we went in, but it is locked. Everyone is in chaos, screaming is all I could hear until everyone stops when the smoke from outside the alley starts to get inside of here that makes us all cough and suffocate. Holy s**t? There is a fire in this prison? What happened? How did the fire started?
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