Chapter Ten: A Guilt Trip

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Alicia’s POV Seeing him dragged away by the police makes me kinda happy… A little bit. I mean, I have spent time with him not being myself! I wanted to be myself! I couldn’t even go to parties anymore! I couldn’t even kiss a guy that I just met because I always remember that I have a wedding ring on my finger that is probably bought by my great great great grand dad. I mean, how could he afford this diamond ring, when he could not even afford his mother’s medicine… Ooops, I think I went too far with that…. But, am I a bad person? I don’t see myself being the villain of his story, but I know my dad is. Gotta admit, I don’t like him, yes, I had a bad impression of him on the wedding day, but I kind felt pity to him, especially every time dad treats him like a trash, and the time where I found myself worried about him was when dad cooked his hands. I could not even go outside without being irritated by the heat of the sun, my hands being cooked with a boiling water? Ugh, it hurts so badly and so much. He looks at me when I got out of my car, I think he noticed me, I mean, of course he would notice me, we had an eye contact, an eye contact where his eyes are fluffy on tears, looks like he is begging for his won life, actually, not looks like, because he was begging for his own life. But… I have nothing to do but to watched him get dragged away. My father, is a delusional man, as soon as he did what he did to daddy, and ran away like he was being chased by a monster or what, he called the cops and starts telling lies, like, he tried to murder him because he caught him stealing from our house... He even tells them about the company, the one that he makes the situation upside down? Yeah, the reason why we were married in the first place. The cops arrived and I was the only one where his parents are buried since ever since we were married, wherever he goes, I goes with him, my dad do not allowed him to get out of the house without someone in the family accompanying him. When he calls my name to asks me to be with him, I know where we are going, to his parents. I don’t know why me, he could asks Junel, but no. When the cops finally out him inside the police car and they drove away, I watched him look back to look at me one last time, I could see that he is sad, which I know he will be, and I know that he is mad. But I can’t do anything. My daddy orders me not to do anything stupid. And I am doing not anything stupid, except for standing here, admitting to myself that I pity what just happened, telling to myself that he did not deserved that… It is stupid to think about that, but… It is done, and what’s done cannot be undone. I am pretty sure grand dad will be mad at my daddy, seeing his relationship with Lander. I don’t know what makes grand dad likes Lander, they never even had a conversation before for them to like each other, I mean, for him to like Lander. I don’t see anything likeable to Lander, I don’t know if that was in his nature, or just because he tends to keep everything to himself. After of minutes realizing that I am still standing, I texted my friends to meet me up in the diner where we always hang out. Thirty minutes had passed and I finally arrived to the Diner where my friends are waiting for me on the other side of the wall of this diner. “Hey girl.” They said and I smiled at them and sat there with them. I just take a deep breathe before i put my head on the table. I know what they are doing, I’ve been with them for almost 8 years now, I know that they are looking at me, confuse, we used to them every time someone in our group acted like what I am acting right now. “Okay, you called us here because, obviously, something happened because ever since you got married and become an official wife of the Martinez, you drove yourself away from us…Never called us nor called a meeting, we even barely talk, and now you called us, texted us that you want to meet with us, which is very unpredictable, which again, something obviously happened that made you act like this.. So it’s either you are going to spill it with us, or I will spill you the water that I just ordered like three minutes ago that until now is still now on our table… So where the hell is my water order?!!!” Michaella shouted the last sentence of her long message since this is how she usually act. She talks fast like no one could break her from talking, which I don’t know if I find annoying, or amusing since from that little mouth of her, she could spill a million words in just a second, I even thought she would become a rapper when we’re younger because of this mouth of her. “Okay, I’ll spill it.” I said and I slowly lifted up my head from the table where I was leaning down. “Lander is in jail. And I don't know what to feel about it."
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