The same eyes

3090 Words
Princess Avyanna suddenly froze at the spot when the coldness of the metallic object touch her neck. The guards came to a halt and everyone and everything stood still at that point. "She is bad luck, get away from her" a woman mumbled amongst the crowd and it angered the princess. Yes, she looked different, having glowing white hair, but her life was in danger and that was all she could mumble about. "Who are you and what do you want here?" the king of Haenada got up from where he had been sitting and stepped forward, as he asked the stranger. The man in the black cloak said nothing, instead, he pressed his dagger deeper into the princess's skin, willing to bruise her flawless skin. "Don't hurt her, she did nothing wrong. Just tell us whatever it is you want" Queen Aleera said scared for her only child. Slowly guards started surrounding him and the princess on the dance floor. Making the stranger move in a circular motion as he studied his environment. The guards did well to keep their distance because the dagger he held would split her throat even before they got to him. Everyone knew that even the princess did. That was why she didn't attempt to fight, the dagger was just too close to her skin. The stranger said absolutely nothing, he only watched the people around him, keeping himself in a position that no one would attack or their princess would get it. The king and queen questioned the stranger some more while asking that he let go of the princess but he was adamant about having any negotiations with them and said absolutely nothing to no one. Princess Avyanna felt dazed at that moment. The stranger was too close to her, his dagger against her neck almost made her panic but she had been trained for situations like this, pushing away the feeling of shock that overwhelmed her, she studied her environment. She only needed an opening while the corner of her eyes searched the crowd for one person. When her eyes met with Zariek, her heart smiled. He was standing with the other guards, looking like he was out for blood and had two swords in his hands. Avyanna understood the meaning of those swords words and took a deep breath. Her life was involved and with how close to her neck the dagger was, it was better she didn't make any sudden movements. The stranger's eyes were everywhere, making sure to be able to catch any sudden movement. Till he heard a sound from behind him and immediately turned around, whirling the princess with him, his dagger moving a little bit away from her neck. She took it as an opening, using the side of her hand, she hit it against his hand, the one he held the dagger with. The dagger fell to the ground and she twirled around almost immediately getting loose from his grip and catching the sword Zariek had thrown to her, mid-air. Guards immediately attacked the stranger but he was swift and was quick to slide away from there every attack. Guards immediately surrounded him, while he brought out his long sword from his sheath around his waist. They used their swords against him but he wasn't just quick, he was super skilled. He countered almost all attacks, knocked the sword of so many people away, kicked some of them. Then slit the throat of a guard. Avyanna gasped and tightened her grip around the sword she held angrily when she saw the blood, then she pushed herself forward towards the scene, ignoring Zariek's protest and the calls of her parents to get away from the dance floor. Suddenly, her sword was against his, blocking him off from a guard who was on the floor and pushing him back immediately. "Guards" the king yelled and the guards immediately stood still, scared to hurt their princess, and watched the scene. She moved forward just as immediately, holding her sword with her both hands, she wasted no time in lifting her it in the air and striking. The stranger blocked with ease but princess Avyanna didn't stop. She was thought that a man's strength would always be higher than that of a woman by Zariek. So whenever she was to fight a man, she needed to use extra strength and that was exactly what she did. Not once did she drawback, she kept hitting against his sword, striking at small openings that would send a cut none stop while he kept taking a step back. He countered her every attack, blocking her off from striking his head, his shoulders, his legs, and virtually everywhere. When he felt like it was time to teach her some lesson, he blocked her sword one more time, sliding his sword against hers immediately and with a little pressure that sent her back up. She stared at him, he looked like he had not done a thing even when she was panting profusely. And his cloak still covered his body and face perfectly. Taking advantage of the little time the princess used in backing up, he struck. This time, he was the one to attack while she countered. His sword was a little bit bigger than hers and every strike of his sword made her lose a grip of hers. With each strike, she took a step backward, looking for an opening to get away from his mighty strikes. She stepped back again and again till she stepped on her gown and tripped, losing the grip of her sword, it went flying out of her hand. Her crown came falling as she hit her head to the ground and her hair came loose. Something strong hit her back, but she didn't know what it was. She heard people gasp but didn't turn to see who it was because she had more dying needs. Lying down on her back, she quickly sat up with the fact that she was in danger not leaving her then she heard the stranger chuckle lightly. It was late already for his sword was pointing directly at her neck. The sound of it made her look up at the man with the cape as he stood in front of her with his sword pointing at her. Guards once again surrounded the scene, seeing that their princess was down. "A princess who fights" came the cold, hard and sweet sound of the stranger's voice that made her heart skip. He sounded impressed and amused at the same time. "He could talk after all," she thought while trying to pair through his cape to see his face. He moved closer to her, pointing his sword even closer to her neck. The guards moved forward, holding longer spikes and swords but the stranger didn't seem to mind. But while she stared at him, she also noticed he wasn't striking or attempting to kill her as an assassin would. He was staring at her instead, at least, that was what she thought since his cape blocked the view of his eyes. She thought he was either scared or he didn't plan to kill her at all. So she decided to show some bravery, not like she was scared. The princess stared up at him still managing to look amazingly beautiful, ignoring the sword that was pointing at her till her neck was right at the sword. Her hair covered most of her face, down her shoulder, and gathered at the floor and her hands were placed behind her back as she leaned backward. Then she felt something metallic and realized that it was his dagger. Smiling inwardly, she knew she still had a fair chance to teach this stranger a lesson. "You won't be able to leave this castle alive. You better don't lay your finger on her" king Caldor threatened when he saw his daughter's defeat. The stranger walked over to her side, changing the position of the sword so he could have a direct cut on her throat, while her hands silently took hold of the dagger in her hand. Without any more hesitation, she plunged the dagger into the stranger's leg, making him groan and pull back. The guards took hold of him immediately and took him away while the princess got up from where she sat on the floor. She looked around and realized that everyone was still staring at her, from a distance. "Avyanna" the voice of the king sounded loudly in the hall. She turned around and started walking towards the king and the queen. "Are you all right? Are you hurt? Is there a bruise?" Queen Aleera was all over her the moment she arrived. "I am a fine mother" she replied her mother. "Why did you join the fight? Things like that are for the guard" queen Aleera queried. "And she handled herself well," the king said and stared at her proudly. Princess Avyanna bowed to him but was exhausted and decided it was time to retire back to her chambers. So she sought her parent's permission, which they gave her. Just as she was about to turn to the entrance of the banquet hall, her eyes caught a glimpse of Nyssa who was standing behind the king. Nyssa's eyes were on her and the look she gave the princess almost made her cringe under her skin. ******* The princess had her bath, ate, and remained in her chambers. Ida was happy that no single scratch was on her skin and neither was the queen. For a lady and a princess, having scarless skin was your priority. Being a lady the second, getting married to an eligible man was the third. So she understood her mother's happiness and understand Ida's relief in finding out she had no bruises or cuts. Her maid, Ida had looked after her since she was a kid, she had all right to feel the way she did. But even after princess Avyanna found out her skin was still flawless and after the king, her father showered praises on her for making him proud, she didn't feel happy. She finally had her reveal, what she had always wanted. People had seen her take down an assassin, the same people who took a dislike to her because she had an unnatural hair color, she had made her father proud and proved to herself that she was a good swordsman or woman. But her heartfelt empty and somewhat sad. She thought about the stranger and why he would want to kill her? "My princess" Someone tapped her and she turned to her maid. "Are you all right, you seem to be lost in thought?" She asked and she forced a smile. "I am fine, go to bed" she ordered because she wanted to be alone. When Ida left, she went towards her window and looked outside. The streets of Hae were dark, the only light was from the moon and torchlights in houses. She looked up at the sky and shivered when the cold breeze of the night hit her skin. Then she closed her eyes liking the relief and comfort she felt. But green glowing eyes immediately popped into her head and she had her eyes opened. She couldn't have a break. Annoyed, she turned to her bed and climbed on it, then drew the silk-like curtain that covered all sides of her bed like a tenth and laid her head. Sleep was the better option at that point, at least, it would get rid of all her worries, but still, sleep did not come so easily. She stayed up, till it became quiet and the breeze of the night made her room chilly. No matter how much she wanted to push away her thoughts, they continued hunting her. Her thoughts were occupied, occupied with thoughts of the man in her dreams, thoughts of the man who almost killed her. Why? She had no idea but for some reason, she couldn't sleep. She concluded that it was because she felt pity for him. The guards had taken him away to the dungeon and her father would be there to punish him tomorrow. Princess Avyanna rolled on her bed for a longer time, still couldn't find sleep. She got up and groaned loudly, annoyed and angry at the way the entire day went and because her thoughts were being occupied by an assassin. Then she decided to see him. To ask him why he ruined her day? And why someone would want her dead on the first day she was being revealed. Maybe that would make her stop feeling sympathetic towards him and she would finally be able to sleep. She got up, wore a robe, and came out of her chambers. Zariek turned to her, shocked she was awake "My princess" he called out and bowed his head slightly. "I want to see the prisoner," she said sternly. "You can't do that" he stared at her. "Says who?" She asked, venting out on him and he went quiet. She knew the way to the dungeon, so she started towards it without waiting for his permission. He followed behind, grumpily and curious. "Why do you want to see him?" Zariek asked from behind her. "I can't sleep" she replied. "It's natural, especially since you fought and drew out blood for the first time" Zariek explained. She gave him no reply, her mood was not in the greatest that night. "And you did well out there" he added and she smiled faintly for the first time that night. She could detect the pride in his tone. They arrived at the huge metallic door that led down to the dungeon. Two guards were posted there and they bowed when they saw her. She said absolutely nothing to them but rather gestured with her hands that they opened the door that led to the dungeon. The guards stared at her like she had said something foreign to them. But when her eyes hardened like steel. They immediately went about opening the huge metallic door. When she paired through the door, it was completely dark inside. Her hair couldn't even be seen in such darkness. But just like Zariek saw and understood what she saw, he lit a torch and got in front of her to lead the way. He waved the torch first and she realized the dungeon was underground when she saw the staircase. He took a step first, then another, and turned around to be sure the princess was on his tale before he continued walking. Once princess Avyanna fully passed the steps, she wrinkled her nose when she perceived the rotten smell that came out of the dungeon. Cobwebs filled every corner, accompanied by broken stones and rats that were all over the place. Metallic doors that led to rooms were on each side of the wall as Zariek led the way. Most of the rooms were empty, they haven't had a prisoner for a long time but that smell of blood and dead things still lingered in the cold and dark rooms. A guard was right in front of one of the rooms and she could tell it was there the assassin was kept. He bowed to the princess with wide eyes. She had never been down there and was surprised as well. "Open the door" she ordered. He fiddled with some keys in his hands and finally opened the door. The creaking sound of a heavy metallic door filled her ears as the guard opened it. "Stay," she said to Zariek. "But my....". "He is bound, isn't he?" She interrupted. "Yes" "Then I am safe" she added and took the torch from his hand before she stepped into the room and shut it. The room was dark and the only source of light was from the window where the moonlight reflected its light. She placed the torch she held in a torch stand and rubbed her hands all over her nose. The smell in there was worse. The stranger was standing, with his legs and hands bound with long chains that allowed him to move from place to place and those chains were stuck to the wall. He was still with his cloak and his cape and seeing him in the dark was almost impossible. "Who sent you?" She said with an authoritative tone and heard the stranger scoff. He took two steps towards her and stared at her. "Is that the question you want to ask?" He asked. Her heart skipped and for a while there, his voice made her dazed as it echoed through the night. She shook the feeling away and folded her arms across her chest. "My father, the king, would have you killed without going through the hassle of asking you who sent you. See me as a helper and don't ask me questions" she forced out. "Your father won't kill me" he replied and it was her turn to scoff at his arrogance. "What? you think you can escape here?" She asked. Her body immediately felt different as the skin around her shoulder and neck immediately felt a burning sensation when she thought he looked at her. "I was waiting for you" he replied and the torchlight suddenly went off. Leaving princess Avyanna in the dark with him. Her heart skipped and her skin went cold, frightened at how silent it became, she slowly moved back to the wall, so she could find the door and alert Zariek if anything happened. But a hand suddenly pushed her to the wall and gripped her throat, choking her. "I was waiting for you" the stranger repeated. She coughed and struggled against him while trying to get his grip away from her throat but he was just too strong. Soon the princess heard the sound of keys and knew Zariek heard something. But the stranger suddenly let her go and she fell to the ground gasping for air. Soon enough, something blocked the little light that came from the window that was high up and she turned to it. The stranger stood there and the cold breeze of the night blew his hood away from his head. Ayanna's eyes widened when she saw a glimpse of long black hair packed tightly behind his head and a set of glowing green eyes staring at her before he jumped just at the same time that slammed the door open.
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