The revealing

2045 Words
CITY OF HAENADA Princess Avyanna took a deep breath as she looked herself over once again at the mirror. She looked beautiful, she knew there was an enchanting beauty about her. She could see it and didn't need anybody to tell her that. Her lips were as red as rose, her skin as white as snow, her beautiful amber-colored eyes as flaming as ever, making her eyes pop, then lastly, her white beautiful long hair wrapped and pinned at the top of her head with a beautiful jewel. Her silver-colored crown added beauty to her look. The red pendant gifted to her by her father, king Caldor added more colors to her skin as it sat elegantly on her neck. Her shoulders were bare because the sleeve of her gown was hung loosely over her shoulder, revealing her breast. Green wasn't her favorite color but it looked beautiful on her and complimented her skin. The upper part of her gown held her tightly and cupped her breast. While it ran loosely and folded from her stomach and down to the floor. Beautiful stones were placed on the hem of the gown also matching her pendant and crown and other pieces of jewelry that beautified her body. The pounding of her heart seemed to keep increasing as time passed on. Her face looked flawless and without emotions, but her heart was in chaos. For it was the first time she was going to be revealed to the people of Haenada kingdom as their princess. Haenada was a city that was built at the eastern out sketch of the realm, settled beside a river that served as a source of living for most people in Hae. Ida, her maid had dressed the princess up in the best way she could and left her to her thoughts just as she had requested herself. Ever since her birth, she had been locked away in the castle, learning, learning, and learning more. Now she was of age, mature enough to be a queen, or a lady, mature enough to be given out soon to an old king or a lord or knight that might best suit her and merge two kingdoms or create a relationship that would benefit her father. The king and queen had decided that since she was of age, there was no need to hide her anymore and had decided to throw a royal banquet, that would be her revealing. That was all she had always wanted, freedom. Being locked in the palace made her feel suffocated but now that she was finally having that freedom, she was scared of taking that leap. Her parents had dimmed it fit to lock her up for as long as she could remember. She was given everything, allowed to do anything but that was just within the walls of the castle. She was never allowed to step outside the castle and each time she asked her parents to let her out, they would decline and tell her it was for the best. Sword fighting was easy, being her naughty self was easy, getting revealed in such a grand way didn't feel right anymore. She expected to feel excited and happy but she wasn't. It was nerve-wracking and princess Avyanna couldn't wait to get it over and done with. Also, she blamed it on him. Her revealing wasn't the only detail of her life that made her gloomy and stressed. No, it wasn't. Her heart was still longing for something, and it wasn't the freedom she thought she had wanted ever since she was a child. It was him. The man who hunted her dreams for as long as she could remember. He had hunted her once more the previous night. This time, it was so dark, she could not see his face. But she felt him behind her, he was so close, she felt the heat that radiated from his body but when she turned around, he moved away and only stared at her with glowing green eyes. They were unnatural yet they were beautiful. Green orbs that stared at her and pulled at her heart. Same eyes that made her feel a sense of warmth and a sense of familiarity. But as a princess who had never made contact with people except for maids and guards in the castle. She knew that she had never seen anyone with green eyes. She went closer to those eyes but felt a wall between them. She could see him, she could see his longing for her and she longed for him too but a wall stood between them. A wall that prevented her from seeing who the owner of those eyes was, a wall that stopped her from going close to him. And just like she had always done, she longed for him to reveal himself or come closer, but he left like always and she woke up with cold skin and a tingling sensation on her fingertip and the feeling of missing someone she had never seen or never met before. Those feelings always stirred up in her heart after she had dreams about him. And when she became mature enough, the dreams became more consistent and her longing for him became worse as days went by. She wanted to see him, hold him and possibly find out who he was. That was the other thing bordering her, missing someone she has never met. "My princess" Someone called from outside her chambers. She took a deep breath and stood up from where she had been sitting for a long time. Before heading to her door with her gown sweeping the floor behind her. Zariek, her guardian and friend bowed his head when she opened the door. Zariek was older than her, but not old. He had been like an elder brother to her but was more of a guard and one who taught her all she knew about sword fighting and archery. She rolled her eyes at his show of formality and waited till he looked up at her. "You look beautiful" he complimented. "I'm I not, always," she said proudly and he chuckled. That was Avyanna alright. "It's time, the king had asked me to come for you," he said while watching her. She sighed, she still felt nervous. "Can we train a bit?" She asked him instead and he raised his brows at her. "No, your highness, no sword fighting today" Zariek replied sternly. "The king awaits you," he said and she groaned. Not ladylike. But she stared at him nonetheless, using her eyes to plead with him. Zariek looked away from his princess, she had this power in her eyes that he could never resist. They will shine and pop and make her look even more irresistible and he wouldn't be able to say no to whatever she asked. So he had to look away, bowing his head to avoid her enchanting eyes. Mainly because the king had warned him to bring her immediately. Disobeying the king and having his head on a stick was the last thing he wanted. "Everyone is waiting for you, your highness," he said and looked up at her. She sighed in disappointment, it broke his heart but he had been given direct orders and she didn't want to get him in trouble. Without much thought, princess Avyanna turned and started walking towards the hallway that led to the banquet hall. "Your highness" Zariek called out from behind her, shielding and guarding her as he always did. "Hmmm" she responded. "Can you be more ....." He stressed and she stopped walking. Something told the princess that she knew what he was going to say and she didn't want to hear it. "Can I be what?" She asked and turned to him so he could look her full in the face. Zariek looked away and bowed nervously. He knew they had a good relationship, he also knew that she would prefer if he never uses formalities with her. Thus they had a good relationship but the princess was one in a million. And getting her upset was also on the list of things he shouldn't do especially on such a day. "Can you be more ladylike?" He asked and her face turned red immediately. "What?" She snapped. "You tend to derail from being a lady" Zariek went on to explain and raised his head to her. But she turned around and stomped away, walking towards the direction of the hall and walking fast. "You see what I am talking about?" Zariek was behind her before she knew it, getting her even more upset. "Zariek" she warned. "You are walking faster than you should and who knows you might start running again" he started and once again the princess paused in her tracks. She stared at the guards that were posted at the corners of the castle before turning to Zariek. He had a smile on his face like he was mocking her and it completely infuriated her. But he was a friend and a guide, one of the few who could get away with most things when they were alone. "I am only looking out for you, my princess" he added and bowed. But she knew she wouldn't win this one and turned back to where she was going. She took a deep breath and breathed out. This time she walked slower and gracefully just like she ought to. Memories of what happened the previous day came back to her mind. Her mother, the queen of Haenada, queen Aleera had sent for her but she was out riding at the fields within the castle walls. It took longer for the maids to get to her and when they did, she had galloped back to the castle, scared of her mother's scolding. And even ran through the hallway, when she was not supposed to, creating attention for herself and confirming the thought of so many people in the castle who believed she acted more like a rogue than a princess. In her quest to get to her mother, she had tripped over herself while running and fell on her face in the presence of guards and maids. Princess Avyanna shook her head at the memories and blamed everything on Zariek for reminding her of it. From a distance, the music and chatters of the banquet filled her ears and it brought back her nervousness. The first time she was going to be revealed, she didn't know what to expect and that was scaring her even more. Two guards with silver livery stood at a large door, with a decor made of fine painting and stones that hung on the door. She stopped just at the door and rubbed her palms against her gown before placing them on her stomach. Zariek went inside and announced the presence of the princess and the music ceased. Everywhere became quiet and that even fed on her nervousness. But she lifted her chin and took a deep breath. Just as immediately, the door swung open and she had to enter inside. She took a step, then another, and another and came into the hall. It was filled with people wearing fancy clothes. Tables and chairs were placed at intervals while food and drink were being dished out to the invitees. Men and women of different hierarchies were all presents. The king and queen of Hae sat ahead, in a mini throne made of fine woods and beautiful upholstery, they watched her with a smile on her face. Instruments and musicians stood by the side of the hall. Beside the king, she saw someone rather peculiar. She was beautiful from a distance with black lengthy hair. She didn't wear a ball gown as every other person but instead had a black cloak on and a staff in her hand. She smiled and walked deeper into the hall, revealing herself even more to everyone present. But a gasped escaped the mouths of people present and whispers filled the air. She smiled, even more, believing her beauty was something they could whisper about. "Move away, she's cursed" the whispering of someone got to her ears rather loudly and she stopped in her tracks.
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