

female lead
small town
Writing Academy

This is and original story, about a group of unlikely friends who come together to solve the mysteries of this horrible town they once knew as home,and learn all the dark secrets it holds and twisted people that now live in it.

Uh-oh , and what is that I sense? Hmm. No no not him .Something much worse.

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Mystery girl
Monday August 15,1955 He is as sweet as honey, but is deadly as wasp. With a mouth full of pearly white teeth, that would blind you if he flashed a smile your way. Perfect blond hair that's slicked back to perfection, with a little peace that falls perfectly before his beautiful ocean blue eyes. Everyone wanted him, But he wanted no one. He talked to no one. He was a fatal attraction . In a small town they called Baiburg, There was a boy named Mason Maxwell whose only focus was football, school, and his motorcycle. He didn't grow up with the normal teenage life , no time for a girlfriend, or really anything else, and with his dad being his football coach, his focus never strayed to far from where it was supposed to be. He went to school throughout the week followed by football practice, he even worked at the local mechanic shop on the weekends. His head was on straight. All until a little raven haired mystery beauty moved into town. She didn't talk to anyone but had the whole town speechless. He wanted to know who this mysterious girl who stole his heart was. He saw her an abundance of times over the summer but she never said anything to him, she doesn't pay Mason attention like the other girls do, and that made him want her even more. One day he took his dog Max on a run around the towns local park, trying to clear his head from a heated argument him and his father had the night before. When suddenly, he's stumbling over the raven haired beauty. "Geesh, your not too good on your feet." She says sarcastically. "Well ,usually I don't have this problem. It's not everyday I stumble over a gorgeous girl ." Mason chuckles helping her up. "You use that on all the girls? Or just me?" She gave a big grin, and raised her eyebrow. "No i-it's not like that." He stuttered. The raven haired girl just laughs and walks away. All of a sudden his dog Max's leash snatches out of his hand as Max runs after a squirrel. Mason went to chase his dog and when he turned around the raven haired girl was nowhere in sight. She disappeared without a trace. She was all he thought about on his walk home. There was something about her, and he wanted to know what it was. She wasn't like the other girls. She was different. Mason walks into his house still thinking about the mystery girl. "Hey son, come get this for me please." Yells masons mom, Olivia Maxwell. He walks in to the kitchen to see his mom trying to reach a pan above the stove. Mason extended his arm grabbed the pan and handed it to his mom. "Thank You honey. What do you want for dinner?" Questioned Mrs.Maxwell "Whatever you wanna make mom." He shrugged patting her back. He gets a call from his best friend Nathan telling him to come over as soon as possible. "I'll be back mom." Says Mason grabbing his keys, "Be safe honey! Dinner will be done at 8:30!" Mrs. Maxwell exclaimed. "Where do you think your going? The First day of schools tomorrow. You have practice tomorrow, You need to rest as much as possible." Snapped Mr. Maxwell. "I'm going to Nathan's he said he needed me as soon as possible." Mason tells his father. "Nathan is no longer your responsibility, you two are nearly grown." Snaps Mr.Maxwell. A look of anger dances across Masons faces. ____________________________ Mason and Nathan have been best friends before best friend were even a thing. In their eyes they're brothers. Nathan is older then him, but he cares for Nathan and Nathans younger sister Jane as if he was the elder. When Mason was younger he was out riding on his bike, around the neighborhood. When he saw a dark cloud of smoke, he rode on his bike towards the smoke until he found the source. Only to find himself at Nathan and Janes front door. Half of there house was on fire, he saw Mr. & Mrs. Lee's car in the drive way, that's when he realized he had to run in. He ran in the house bursting with flames, and roaring with smoke. He yelled out their names . No response. So He flies up the stairs and runs into janes room, at this time Jane was only a baby and could barley form sentences that made sense, she was laying there sound asleep in her bassinet. He expeditiously grabs her out of her bed and runs to Nathan's room, to find him asleep as well. It was hard for him to wake Nathan up, then finally he wakes him up. Nathan insists that they go to the parents room, so of course Mason agrees. They run over to the parents room, to see it was in flames. Nathan swore he heard his Mother screaming his name in the flames, and tried to run in them to save her but Mason stopped him, just in time and dragged him out of the house. Mason never heard the screams. The car vanished, and their parents were pronounced dead at the scene. _______________________________ "You NEVER turn your back on family. Blood or not, but you wouldn't understand that would you.. Dad." Mason says firmly. His father looks as if he's going to say something but doesn't. Mason just glares at him and turns around. "I'm going to Nates, I'll be back soon!" He shouted slamming the door behind him. Mason and his father's relationship hasn't been the best ever since his brother Chase passed away back in 1951. Chase was your all American teenager, he rode a motorcycle, he was the captain of the football team. Would've been valedictorian. One of Mason biggest inspiration. As soon as Mason was old enough his father Mr. Maxwell pressured him into football, It wasn't something Mason really wanted to do, his father will not give up until Mason is just like Chase. He doesn't realize that their two different people. He gets on his motorcycle and speeds off. On the way to Nathan's house all mason could think about was the argument with his dad. How he thinks he could never live up to his fathers expectations. Mason's mind wanders , when all of the sudden a car speeds up behind him and get so close to his bike they almost knock him off. Mason turns around to give them a peace of his mind , but they slow down then turn on the next street available. "What the hell was that about." Mason grunts rubbing his head. He soon arrives at Nathan's house "Mase!! What's up with my brother." Exclaimed Nate opening the front door. Mason walks into the family room and sits down. "Man , some crazy s**t just happened. Weird , crazy .. I don't know but it was out of no where." He explains. "What do mean? " Nathan questions. "While I was on my way here I was over there off diehl avenue and a car smacked the back of my bike so hard I could've fell off .. if I wasn't pro." Mason brags. "Man don't do that , had me worried for a second. Who was it one of the football douches." Nathan ask. "Actually, I don't know who it was..." Mason says. "We'll probably ain't nothing to worry about, this town is filled with weirdos including me." Nathan laughs. "How are you Nate, you doing alright?" Mason questions. " Yea man , tomorrows the first day of school. I was just making sure everything's cool with you. I know things been harder on you since the summer started up. The pressures is going to be on you. Your then new star football player. I know there's a big weight on your shoulders." " I'm cool Nate, I just got to remain foucsed. I mean I am the one and only Mason Maxwell." laughed Mason as he grabbed a soda out of the fridge. "Ah that's my brother." Nate says laughing. "Toss me one would ya? , But seriously, how you feel about all this?" "It's A lot of pressure, But I'll make it through of course. I Just gotta keep pushing for Chase. Make him proud." Mason says reassuringly throwing Nathan a soda. Nate walks over too Mason and pats him on the back. "Everything's going to work out in your favor." Says Nate "This is our year." " Your so focused on me, what's going on with you and Claire? How was the summer of romance." Teased Mason "It was fun at first, but you know Claire. She started complaining and bitching about stupid s**t. What about you? Nobody got a ride on the Mason tug boat this summer." Nathan teases. "Nah man, You know me I was just riding around all summer. Going to football camp." Masons mind wonders off too the mysterious raven haired girl. "There is this one girl, but she's not like the other girls she doesn't look at me or pay me any attention. I've ran into her almost everday this summer. Then I literally ran into her earlier today when I was walking Max, and it's like she thought of me as normal. She didn't look at me like everyone else does." He explains. "She must be an eye catcher to get your attention. What's her name?" Asked Nate. "That's the thing I don't know anything about her, besides she just moved here and she has raven black hair." Shrugged Mason. "Raven black hair. Huh." Repeated Nate. "I think I've seen her around her dad is a new engineer at the job. He's kind of weird. Then he has the creepy black hair to top it off. Gives me the chills. They live in the old Willmington manor, must have a lot of money." Finished Nate. ________________________________ Baiburg is a small town everything is very close to one another, everyone knows everyone. So when something new happens everyone knows, and everyone is watching. That's why I've always stayed to myself, because I know that there is something about this town it holds secrets. Dark secrets. ______________________________ Mason "Hey Nate? There's something I need to talk about man, get it off my chest." I say "Lay it on me, I'm all ears brother."Nathan reply's "Man lately, I've been going through hell with my dad. You know? All this football s**t. I don't feel like I'm leveled up with Chase. My dad sees it too." I say disappointedly. "You don't have to be on the same level as Chase. You are good at what you do man, be you. Don't think of being anyone else. If your old man doesn't think that way, then he doesn't see how much potential you have." Said Nathan. I didn't know what to say but I knew that Nathan was right. I realized how the time had slipped my mind and it was already 9 o'clock. I haven't got a call from my mother, I don't think she would expect me to come home after that heated fight. "It's fine that I crash here for the night, right?" I said to Nate. "Of course, You know where your room is, I told you no ones aloud in there but you." Nate says reassuringly. Nathan's grandparents left him their house over the summer, when they moved out of town for retirement. It was just Nathan and Jane all alone. I nod and head up to my room. I lay in the bed thinking about the raven haired beauty, and when I'll see her again. When suddenly I hear a knock on the door. ... "Come in" In walks Jane, "Hey Mase, you hungry?" " Nah I'm okay, thanks anyways." " I made your favorite." Sings Jane " burgers and curly fries?" Jane nods in approval. " Ha thanks Jane I'll be right down." Little did I know I was in for big surprise when I went down stairs. When I walked into the dinning room there was a beautiful blonde girl that looked just like me sitting at the end of the table. "Mallory?" I said shockingly Mallory Yes. The one and only Me. Mallory Maxwell. " Oh don't act so surprised to see your big sister" I smirked. I haven't seen my little brother Mason in over four years I went off to find myself when Chase passed away, and lost connections with the family. "Surprised? More like pissed off, You just up and leave us. You just up and leave me. When Chase died, You didn't even come home. Like I didn't matter. Like I didn't exist." Mason cried . "Mase, Your right." I shrugged. "I'm right?" "Your right." I nod "I did leave without saying anything. I left the wrong way. I should've never left you. I should've brought you with me like I planned, but that wouldn't have been smart of me too take a sixteen year old with me and I was not stable. I am sorry." I tell him. "Please I just wanna move on and focus on our future." I plead. "I guess we can do that." Mason was never a person to wallow in the past. "Not to be rude but why are you here?" He questioned. "She's here to help me out." Sighs Nathan "Moneys been tight, we're about to start school tomorrow, I'm going to have to work at the shop all week after school and in the morning on the weekends because of practice and I need someone to keep and eye out for Jane." "So your saying she's moving in with you?" He ask. "Yes."I say, "And you are too." Mason looks at me puzzled. "I'm going to talk to Mom and Dad tomorrow after I get off of work about you moving in with us." I inform him "Do you really think, their going to let me live with you being in charge?" He snickered. "Yeah actually I do. I've changed a lot. I graduated from college with the highest gpa in my field." I snapped. "And what's your "field". He laughed "Administration, matter of fact I'm the new principal this year at Baiburg High." I guffawed Mason, Nate and Jane all looked at me with a look of disturbance. That was the end of conversation that night. Everyone gathered themselves for bed went to sleep and waited for the next day.

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