Chapter 15: Time for us to go back

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Madame Red stared into the distance before saying, "Hui’er has indeed lived a life to be envious of by all... To think that she once has been such a troublemaker back when we were young..." Senior Princess Long Xuanlu softly laughs, "Do not be fool by her noble act... She is still the same troublemaker. Just look at how my younger brother is acting towards her. That poor brother of mine is living a day to day life where he always worries that Hui’er will simply vanish from the imperial palace. As, over the years, she had done so countless times. Somehow, I wonder that maybe... Just maybe... My daughter might be biologically hers due to their terrible habit of running away from home." Madame Red look at her and asked, "She still did that? I thought with His Majesty and her children by her side, she will no longer act rampantly." Hudie calmly replies, "Hui’er will always be Hui’er even after the years have gone by. Both of her children grown up beautifully. Crown Prince Long Dongji will soon be married to Lady Mudan and, seeing how the young royal pair acted in the past, her son will follow His Majesty's footsteps. Crown Princess Long Fenghuang is another one-of-a-kind character. Though she appears to be quite calm and collected on the outside, she is much more difficult to be handled. Even Hui’er is on the verge of giving up on Her Royal Highness. And, the Emperor is being quite cautious towards her too. Just imagine... The most powerful man in the kingdom is absolutely scared of his eldest daughter." Madame Red laughs, "I have had the chance of meeting her when she suddenly showed up in the Kingdom of Xi with her entire entourage. She is as valiant as Hui’er and foster mother. The way how she treated the Imperial General is quite hilarious too. That man is absolutely helpless against her and their adopted daughter." Senior Princess Long Xuanlu further adds, "What was she doing there? Is she somehow running away like her mother usually did?" "She came there because one of her people, Monkhbat, is attending the Annual Tribals Assembly. Xi Ai and her hits it off in flying colours when they've met. Those two are really a handful when they are together. Once, they are having a match with one another to test each other's strength and ability but, that match alone nearly destroyed my manor. Luckily that fiancé of hers managed to stop her and my daughter from inflicting further damage. Xi Ai has been so disgruntled ever since then due to the unfinished match between her and Fenghuang." Senior Princess Long Xuanlu then says, "I have heard about your daughter. She is quite an exemplary figure in the jianghu1. She is still the undefeated champion in the annual martial arts competition." Hudie further says, "I have heard about that too. Not only she is beautiful but her talent in martial arts is to be reckoned with despite being a young girl still." Madame Red smiles proudly, "She is indeed quite strong for a girl. But she has said that in this world a few people will be able to defeat her in a matter of seconds... Fenghuang is one of those few people. That fiancé of hers is quite strong too." Hudie then jokingly says, "His Royal Highness, King Emo and Sovereign Princess Long Yinyue are included too right? That handsome demon by her side too." Madame Red laughs as she looks at Senior Princess Long Duanlu, "Definitely. Why on earth did you leave that poor demon ruler in the first place, Xuan’er? Luckily, he did not destroy our realm because of what you did." Senior Princess Long Xuanlu snorts, "I thought Demon Realm will be a fun place to live in... But those Demon Elders are such a pain in the neck with all their rules and regulations, so I ran away." Hudie laughs while holding onto her stomach, "Liar!!! You ran after discovering his real age! You were crying back then on how you will continue to grow old while he will always stay youthful. You hated that very fact. But, then again... The demons are serious creatures and you are bored to death when you were living there. That made you much more determined to run away." Madame Red laughs too, "Xuan’er... Did you leave him for more than 13 years because of those two reasons only? That poor, poor demon. He missed all those times watching your daughter grows up." "Well... I am, after all, that shallow of a person. Because of that reason too, he is now constantly bothering me that we should have another child together. As if giving birth is an easy thing to do! I am not even that young anymore." Hudie sadly smiles, "But, at least all of you have the chance of being a mother. I have no luck in being one... Age is just a number, Xuan’er. Look at Hui’er... And, Imperial Nole Consort Mei. In a few more months, both will be mothers to newborn babies once more." Madame Red spits out all of her tea from her mouth when she heard the shocking news, "What!?!?!?! Hui’er is pregnant? Imperial Noble Consort Mei too? Goodness! Emperor Long Feng is still a 'formidable' man ah... Good for him!" Senior Princess Long Xuanlu then says, "You should have seen the looks on my nephew and nieces' faces when they heard that news. Fenghuang even told her father how 'wonderful' he is to her mother and second mother. That brother of mine nearly ran out of the door because of her venomous remark. All three of them are already considered a grown up but suddenly they will have a new baby brother and/or sister. Fenghuang even asked Huli to take good care of both expecting mothers especially Imperial Noble Consort Mei who will be, for sure, the one taking care of both babies after they are born." Madame Red nods her head, "His Majesty is still a healthy man after all..." Hudie then adds, "Means that you and Chancellor Yelu can try your luck too. Hahahahhaha!" "Hudie! You!" Senior Princess Long Xuanlu then adds, "Why are you so angry about? She is right though. On the other hand, I hope that you will find yourself a man too, Hudie. But, this time around, we will make sure he is worthy to be with you." Madame Red hold onto Hudie's hand and says, "True. We will not let another man disappoint you just like that dreadful man." "Xuan’er... Lian’er... Can I find someone that will love me for who I am?" Madame Red confidently says, "Of course. You deserve better, Hudie. Do not expect less just because you are a former prostitute. You are a clean and untouched woman before you met him. If I found that man... I will kill him for what he had done to you." "Don't kill him, Lian’er. Let me meet him first. I need to know why he left me without a word." Madame Red and Senior Princess Long Xuanlu look at each other with a cunning smile on their lips. Madame Red then says, "Be honest... You are still unable to let go of him right. I must admit that the man is quite handsome in an ethereal way. He must have been so good in bed too." "Lian’er! You!" Hudie furiously blushes because of her words while Senior Princess Long Xuanlu laughs non-stop. Captain Ying, on the hand, wish he could dig a hole and bury himself in it. A few moments later, he is calmer and walks towards the three 'gentlemen'. "Your Royal Highness... Madames. It is time for us to return to the imperial palace. His Majesty, King Emo has arrived just a moment ago. Lady Red is looking for you too, Madame Red. The four mistresses of Zunyan Tea House and Restaurant have arrived too, and they wish to meet you, Madame Hudie." Madame Red stands up along with her two companions, "I guess it is time then. Young man, bring us back to the imperial palace." Captain Ying immediately teleports the three women back to the Peach Blossoms Yard where a group of people are sitting on a large rattan mat near the pond. These group of people are consisting of Crown Princess Long Fenghuang and her people together with Lady Red and Yujinxiang. Imperial General Bing is sitting next to his fiancé while holding onto his daughter who is sitting on his lap with an adorable fox sitting near his feet. Madame Red must admit that Crown Princess Long Fenghuang is one with an eye for beautiful things. One cannot help but only to feel amazing when seeing this group of people hanging out together. Her daughter and Yujinxiang are slightly losing out in comparison. As she is assessing each of them, her eyes stop at one dignified looking yet handsome man that she knows. "Chancellor Hong. What are you doing here?" A familiar husky voice then answers her question from behind her before a familiar arm is circling her waist in a possessive way, "He is here because he is trying to win someone's heart. No... Make it two persons' hearts. Where have you been? I was worried for you but then Her Majesty told me that you are just fine... Still..." Madame Red smiles and gently hold onto his hand on her stomach, "Yelu... I was spending times with my longtime friends. Sorry for making you worried." Lady Red then says, "Mother... Foster father... Please. There are young people here." Senior Princess Long Xuanlu and Hudie laughs before an enchanting man with white hair appears before this group of people. "Lulu... I have been waiting for you. Our daughter and her betrothed are waiting for us at your Manor too. Let us go back..." Senior Princess Long Xuanlu helplessly allow herself to be pulled into his warm embrace. After all, she is honestly missing him for days now. Hudie is then watching both of her friends are with their beloved men. She smiles and calmly leaves the beautiful and fragrant yard to meet her apprentices. *** 1. ** Rivers and lakes, a community of martial artists
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