Chapter 10: They are at it

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"Hudie is here! So, we shall go to the Peach Blossoms Yard now. That daughter of mine is not in her palace now so we can enjoy ourselves in her beloved garden." Senior Princess Long Xuanlu, Madame Red and Hudie look at their beloved friend and shake their heads. This woman is such a hassle as a mother. They can only sympathize with Crown Princess Long Fenghuang for having such a ridiculous pair of parents. One is overly dedicated to his wife and one is doing whatever she wanted to do without any care for the world. Madame Red softly laughs and says, "Hui’er... You just never change. Always the one to interfere with everything. What about your Shen Ai1 Yard?" Empress Huihuang snort when she heard her suggestion, "Why? If we go there, that husband of mine will for sure pop-out of nowhere. If it is in Fenghuang's palace, he would not dare to go there without her permission. Hahahahahaha!" Senior Princess Long Xuanlu smiles and further add, "My younger brother is one of the formidable figures in all 3 Kingdoms, but he is absolutely terrified with my oldest niece." Hudie giggles and added more, "It can't be helped... She once nearly destroyed the imperial palace when he sent her beloved pet away." "It is not like he wanted to send that tiger away, that tiger nearly kills an envoy from another kingdom. So, it had to send away to a nearby forest where he is well taken care of around the clock by a group of imperial soldiers. My daughter is too harsh on my husband." Madame Red look at her in the eyes, "Just like you... Do not act like she is not following your steps, Hui’er. That fiancé of hers has become like her pageboy now." The others are looking at these women as they sashay away while talking merrily with each other. The ones from the Kingdom of Xi slowly follows the lead of Lady Red towards the Taiyang Palace. The ones from the Kingdom of Leng are waiting for their emperor to make a move but he is still staring at the group of women. Empress Huihuang stops before instructing her people to go back to her palace as well, "All of you can leave this empress now. I wanted to be alone with them. Go now... Go... Shoo!!!" They can only look at their mistress helplessly. Their master will be so mad once he knows about this but what can they do... The empress is not someone they can go against. They can only walk away dejectedly. SeniorPrincess Long Xuanlu look at her sister-in-law and softly says, "Hui’er, what are you planning to do?" Madame Red then says, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Hudie then says, "That one thing we always did together in the past? Wearing male outfits and take a walk in the nearby city?" "Hahahahahahaha! This sister has prepared everything. Captain Ying will be assisting us in our escapade." Senior Princess Long Xuanlu then says, "What do you mean by assist? You blackmailed him so that he will help you." "Hohohohoho! Who told him to sneakily go out of the imperial palace without any permission whatsoever...? I have spies everywhere in the imperial palace. But, a man in love willing to do anything. Let us go... Time waits for no one. My husband will be done with his morning assembly soon." A short time later, all four of them arrived at the Peach Blossoms Yard. The man that will assist them in their so-called "outing" is standing near the pavilion with a grim look on his face. (Picture available on w*****d) Madame Red laughs when she sees his face, "Oh my... What a grim looking young man. But this young man is still quite a looker though." Captain Ying blushes slightly before he says, "Your Majesty, are you sure you want to continue with your plan? His Majesty will be angry if he founds out." Empress Huihuang laughs and says, "No worries, Captain. This empress will handle that later. Now, all of us wanted to go out of the imperial palace." "Then, this humble servant will teleport Your Majesty and madames outside the imperial palace." Madame Red suddenly look at the young man with an amazed look on her face, "Oh, my... This young man is an exceptional man! Does he know how to teleport? Goodness. This is such a useful ability!" Senior Princess Long Xuanlu laughs and says, "He is serving under Fenghuang. That girl is quite amazing when it comes to choosing those who will serve her. We are lucky that the Captain is willing to 'help' Hui Er. No wonder she asked Nanny Lei to go to Taiyang Palace... Cunning woman." "Thank you, Xuan’er." Madame Red and Hudie laugh when they saw Empress Huihuang hooked her arm with Princess Long Xuanlu's arm. "Leave us for a moment, Captain. We need to change our outfits." Empress Huihuang then takes it four outfits from her magical spatial chamber ring. (GIF available on w*****d) Empress Huihuang is the first one to show up after she changes her outfit. Before long, the other 3 women to show up one by one with the outfit. Captain Ying shows up when he heard that the Empress calls his name. When he saw all four of them in their male outfits, he has to say that they will for sure create havoc outside the imperial palace with their 'handsome' looks. Madame Red and the rest of the women stand near to the young man, "Let us go now... Captain, do your thing." With those last words from Madame Red, all five of them have vanished into thin air without the knowledge of others. *** 1. ** To love dearly
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