Chapter 12: Temporary freedom [2]

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As all 5 gentlemen entered the opulent Yaorao Pavilion, one of the courtesans greets them enthusiastically due to their good looks, "Gentlemen, welcome to Yaorao Pavilion. Public space or private room?" Empress Huihuang then says, "We need a private room... As for the beautiful ladies... We will call for them once we are ready." Empress Huihuang then softly used her finger to have a proper look at the courtesan who has just greeted them, "Not bad looking. Quite a smooth talker too... Here is a gift for your effort, beautiful one." The said courtesan blushes with the gentleman's words and even more surprised when she saw that there is a gold ingot on her palm. She tried to return it to him as their madame instructed them never to accept extra tips from any customer, "Gentleman, I cannot accept this as it is against the rules." "Hui... Gentleman Hui at your service, beautiful one. No worries. Just take it first and inform your madame later, I believe she will let you keep it." As she slightly bowed at the courtesan making Captain Ying slowly fidgety upon seeing that the Empress of Kingdom of Long is bowing towards a commoner. (Picture available on w*****d) Madame Red then says, "Excuse me, miss. Do prepare us good quality tea and some desserts as well including fruits." "I will make sure everything will be prepared. Now, please follow me to your private room. It is one of the best room in this pavilion as it is overlooking the performance stage below." She answers to the gentleman in the maroon coloured outfit. All of them looking are looking good. Gentleman Hui is looking divine in his soft pink outfit and cheerful personality. The gentleman in a maroon coloured outfit is calmer in nature but with a gentle smile on his lips. The gentleman in white seems familiar but as he is acting rather nonchalantly towards her, all she can say that he is handsome but somewhat distant. When it comes to the gentleman in the green coloured outfit, he seems to have this gentle smile on his face but nothing warm can be felt coming out from him. Just behind them, a tall gentleman in the black coloured outfit just looks at the surrounding area without a smile from his face. All she can assume is that all 5 of them are newcomers. Such an interesting group she thought to herself. "Gentlemen, we have arrived at your room. Soon, your orders will be delivered as well. Please make yourself comfortable." The courtesan then leaves them, and she gently closes the door as well before she leave. "It has been a while since the 4 of us been together..." Hudie said as she gently sits on the chair. Madame Red smiles and gently nods her head. Senior Princess Long Xuanlu then says, "Indeed, the last time we've met was when all of us are still naive towards the meaning of life as a whole..." Madame Hudie sadly smiles when she heard those words, "Indeed... That was the time when I thought that maybe I have the chance of being with the one that I loved." Empress Huihuang sits next to Madame Hudie and hugs her, "Hudie... You are an exceptional woman despite your colourful past. We are glad to meet you before you are sold to others and be used by them. With that, your dignity and purity are secured by the infamous gentlemen." Senior Princess Long Xuanlu then asks, "Purity? Why not virginity?" Madame Red looks at Empress Huihuang before both laughs with Madame Hudie looking as red as a tomato, "Xuan’er... What makes you think that Hudie is still a virgin after she has been so passionately in love with that man back then? What do you think they are doing every time they met with one another? Reading books?" Empress Huihuang then adds after she wipes her tears eyes, "She may no longer be a virgin, but she is still a pure one as she only allows only that one man to touch her. All of us have done the deed before marriage, unlike you Lian’er." Madame Red then says, "Do not remind me! To think that the 20-year old me have been deflowered by a 15-year old child. My goodness! I should have just cut his 'bird' and feed it to the dogs!" They all laugh loudly before they heard a soft knock on the door. Senior Princess Long Xuanlu then says, "Come in!" The previous courtesan with another beautiful courtesan entered the private room to serve them their drinks and side dishes. The previous courtesan then says, "Gentlemen, your tea and side dishes. Is there anything else?" Madame Red dismiss them by saying, "We are fine. We will call you later if we need anything else." Senior Princess Long Xuanlu then give both courtesan 5 golden coins each for their service. They wanted to reject it but Empress Huihuang insisted on them to take it as goodwill. They then left the private room in silence but not before they noticed the presence of one gentleman in black outfit standing with a horrified expression on his face which is now reddened like a tomato. Madame Red stared at his shock expression, "Oh, my... We've forgotten all about him, Hui’er. Hahahahaha! Are you traumatized, young man? Hui’er did tell us that you have to help us because she caught you've been going out rather frequently to meet the one that you love." He coughs when upon hearing what she has just said, "No, madame... It is just that Her Majesty needed my help so..." She smiles at him before she asks, "Was it solely out of mere responsibility for you to meet her? Or, is it more than that? Being an elder, let me tell you this. Once the opportunities have passed by, there will never be a chance for you ever again. If you like her, tell her about it. For her to ask for your help repeatedly means that you are the one that she wanted to be by her side during a time of trial. She will smile with you and cry with you as well." Captain Ying look at Madame Red as if thinking about something before a slight smile can be seen on his face for a moment before he reverts to his trademark expression. (Picture available on w*****d) Looking at his face while putting her arm on Madame Red's shoulder, "Lian’er, I pity the girl that has fallen in love with this man here. Hahahahaha! He is the same kind as my daughter, Fenghuang. Too cold. Too boring." Madame Red laughs too, "Same like my Xi Ai too. These type of people are absolutely clueless when it comes to love." All 4 women are laughing at the same times making Captain Ying more and more nervous with what more will they talk about in their conversation. His poor heart nearly stops then due to extreme embarrassment. These 4 women are indeed not the type of women that will act as a "white lotus". He continues to stand by the window before he is looking down at the street down below while silently praying that the emperor is still in the dark about this incident that he had "helped" in.
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