Chapter 48: The dilemma of the youngest son

833 Words

Xue Lipin acting somewhat aloof knowing that he is considered ‘older’ than the 1,000-year old Yelu Heilong which makes Xue Xi Ai to giggles as she watches both dragons as they are assessing each other. “Despicable red dragon! Do act too highly! I am older than you!” Xue Lipin snorts and says, “Look at yourself. You appear to be younger than me with that cherubic face of yours. You are shorter as well, Sansan. In our family, I am older than you. Period.” Yelu Heilong pouted his mouth and Madame Red cannot help but think that he is looking absolutely adorable. She immediately pats his head and says, “Heilong, where do you want to stay? Here or with your father?” Yelu Heilong immediately answers, “With father of course! I mean… I will stay with the Lord Chancellor.” “How adorable… Yelu…

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