Part 23

1416 Words

He chuckled. His other hand cupped the back of my head and very gently he inclined me. "Don’t fight it.” "No... I...mpphh,” the air left me when he suddenly pushed two fingers. My legs shook at the suddenness; millions of voltage rummaged into my body. It felt good. No! No, I shouldn’t give in to this so easily. His fingers stroked my inner walls lazily and pulled out, only to penetrate again... I was trying hard not to moan but the heat building up was intense. I desperately wiggled to put an end to this sweet torment. Or did I really? He chuckled, amused to see me fighting and I wanted to smack his face for that, but I sent him my murderous glare. His face went down, my body stiffened. He was gonna kiss me. My eyes automatically closed. Hoping. A knock on the door broke the spel

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