Part 21

1198 Words

“The moment you see him again is the moment you realize you lost something.” Every beat of the music was gone, appeasing our every move, every sway, every swing of our bodies. Gone were my inhibitions. I cared for nothing but my bliss on the dance floor. Jess and Jacky were all the same. Jumping, shouting, laughing, and fluttering our hands up in the air as we sensually swayed our hips from side to side. Jess was purely having a great time, seeing how she ground her hips like she was grinding a man’s D. A few men ogling might be having some turn-on while watching. I laughed internally at the lewd thoughts my mind was steering for. Jacky, on the other hand, overawed me with her crackerjack dance moves, so sexy and graceful like she was born to dance. I finally felt like I had stepped out

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