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Stella's best friend, Sherry Perry, cursed Clarence angrily for 10 minutes after learning that Stella sought a divorce before declaring, "That bastard really didn't give you a single cent? He's genuinely so stingy toward you, his wife, after spending a ton of money on those young models outside?" “But I don't believe he's stingy. Over the past three years, I have coerced him out of a great deal of money. He's already been considerate enough not to ask of the money back." "That's not how you can think. His money is your money, your money is your money. Furthermore, he exploits you on a daily basis; what's wrong with using some of his money?" Stella asked while her temple throbbed, "Could you use another word?" Sherry became quiet for a while. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." Even though Stella was curled up on the couch, she was still unable to control her rage. Then she chastised herself, saying, "That bastard honestly asked how much money do I want? I spoke up about the divorce today. He didn't even glance at the divorce documents , acting as though he was afraid I might make irrational demands or kill him! Come on, please!" "In addition, what made you desire to file for divorce? Why not simply follow him and witness who gives up first?" After hearing it, Stella became more composed. "Oh, Vivian Sean has become pregnant." Young and very unknown until lately, Vivian Sean was a model. Anyone who was not blind could tell that she and Clarence had a unique relationship because of how close they were. Clarence and Stella had been married for three years. Clarence's hate for her was well known to her. His maximum tolerance limit was two trips home every month. It was simply regular for them to be intimate every time. There was not a single emotion that Clarence felt for her. He will stop at nothing to inflict anguish on her. Not only was Vivian not the first woman to appear beside Clarence, but Stella ignored her. A week ago, as she was enjoying herself and picking out gifts for their third wedding anniversary, Vivian unexpectedly produced the pregnancy test results and said, arrogantly and complacently, "I'm pregnant, it's time to hand over your position as Mrs. Conrad." After lying to herself for the past three years, Stella felt as though reality had destroyed any faith she had in Clarence and their relationship when she saw the report. The memories snapped back to her, as if to tell her that, despite her opinion of the woman in front of her as vile and repulsive, she was able to marry Clarence because she was employing the same tactic—threatening him with the unborn child in her womb. Clarence was appalled by her, as she was by the woman. It was merely that her initial ploy had been replicated by someone else. Sherry felt frustrated. "How could it be the same? Vivian clearly knew you existed and still desired to replace you, even if Clarence wasn't dating when you married him. What a barefaced b***h she is!" Stella remarked, "Well, they seem pretty much the same to me. I'll be honest; for the first three years after marrying Clarence, I had trouble falling asleep every night. In any case, it's true that he was coerced into marrying me at the time, and it's for the best that we are no longer together. I am no longer in debt to him." For the next thirty minutes, Sherry kept berating Clarence and Vivian, the people she believed to be filthy. Then, when Stella began to become drowsy, she took her to her bedroom. "You can stay here with me from today onwards, my boyfriends not here anyway, and the house is huge, I'll be scared to stay here alone." Stella nodded and yawned. "Goodnight." ***** Clarence's office desk held the divorce agreement the following afternoon. The signature at the end of the document appeared to be that of an enraged being. Nathan watched as his supervisor progressively covered his face. Lance on to say, "Mr. Conrad, I've confirmed with those from the Starry Lake Mansion just now, missus had moved out last night and she did not take anything other than her personal items." With a nonchalant gesture, Clarence closed the divorce agreement file and set it aside. "What is she playing with me this time?" Nathan remained silent. However, since she wasn't his wife, how could he be aware of the small humor between the married couple? Unexpected to receive any helpful response from him either, Clarence only replied, "Get out." Nathan took two steps and turned to walk back. “The necklace that was ordered from Paris has come, Mr. Conrad.” Clarence had originally intended to offer Stella that as a third wedding anniversary gift, but it appeared that his efforts had been in vain. "Throw it away," he said coldly. "Yes," Nathan answered. After Nathan went, Clarence took up that divorce agreement again. His gaze landed on the distinguishing feature. He had an indifferent expression on his face as he scoffed. At the Twilight Club, she begged him to save her by pulling at his sleeve, forced him to marry her by pretending she was pregnant, and was willing to sacrifice and put on a terrible performance. How could this evil woman, who could go to tremendous measures to achieve her goal, suddenly have a conscience? Maybe she had found a new mission. With a wrinkled hand, Clarence threw the paper into the trash can. After waiting at home for a few days, Stella still hadn't heard from Clarence. As usual, she sent messages, but not a single response was received. Message for the first day: "Are you in possession of the divorce paper? I put my signature on it. If you have the time, do let me know so that we can complete the court paperwork together." She came across as kind, understanding, submissive, and soft. Message from the second day: "Hey, have you seen my message? Are there any aspects of the divorce settlement that you find unacceptable?” She seemed circumspect and brave enough to seek clarification. The message for the third day: "Mr. Conrad, I know you're busy with your work, but could you please take some time to divorce me?" She came out as guarded, taciturn, and tenacious. Day Four: "Clarence Conrad, please, could you be more productive with the divorce? Please hurry and complete the process if you truly don't want to see me, and we'll never see each other again." There was no need for her to put up with it anymore; she could not bear it any longer. On day five, Clarence activated the friend verification feature. On We Chat. After accepting his buddy request, kindly send him a message to begin a conversation." Stella gave a smirk. What an i***t. Without delay, she put down her phone and stood up, making her way to the Twilight Club. However, it appeared that she was really unlucky. She was unable to wait for Clarence and instead met his future bride. At first, Vivian had said she would meet her friend for dinner there. When she arrived at the entrance, she saw Stella standing there. She gave Stella a mocking smile, stepped forward on her high heels, and said, "Could it be you're still not willing to give up and want to look for Clarence here?" Stella cast a level glance in her direction without saying anything. Vivian got even more excited at the sight of her submissiveness. "Even after I informed you that I was expecting, how could you be so blatantly arrogant as to not relinquish the role of Mrs. Conrad? You have no idea how excruciating it is to see you fight to stay."
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