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The Conrad family had never liked Stella in the first place, and after the situation with the phony pregnancy came to light, they became even more disgusted with her. They had shown Stella no concern at all. Clarence's outburst this time was understandable given that she had made a grave error. After returning home, Stella waited for a few more days, but Clarence had not sent her a note. After their experience at the Twilight Club that day, she had enough reason to believe that Clarence was delaying their divorce because he wanted to thoroughly disgust her and would never stop reminding her that he had cheated on her, no matter where she went. That was her way of getting right for what she had done to him years before. Stella was no longer able to waste her time and energy on that, even though Clarence was willing to wait. She had planned to make preparations after completing the legal requirements for a divorce. She didn't want to stay and wait there much longer; she still had life to live. When Sherry heard that she wanted to find a job, she got excited and stopped eating the chips in her hand. "Come to our magazine, our magazine coincidentally wants to hire a designer to make our own brand recently." When Stella heard it, she scowled. "Am I... competent? It's been three years since I produced anything." "You can, of course, honey. You have nothing to lose, so give it a shot. Stella gave in and nodded, convinced. "Okay." Being a proactive person, Sherry brought Stella's work from three years prior to the chief editor's office the next day. When Stanford Leif had finished going through them, he looked at the signature on the piece and questioned, "Sharon is your friend?" in a prolonged question. "Yes, she is quite intelligent, and her design was incredible. If we recruit her, we won't lose out." Stanford was undoubtedly aware of Sharon's brilliance, but in the world of jewelry creation, she was like a fleeting flower that withered away in an instant. Someone claimed that after winning the award, she ran out of ideas and was unable to create new designs. Some said that she had been seen by wealthy men and had secretly gotten married and had kids. In any case, there were numerous rumors. It was only that, to everyone's amazement, she had returned three years later, when they had all forgotten about her. "Does she have time tonight?" Stanford asked. “Together, let's have dinner." When he said that, Sherry knew Stella had pretty much sealed the deal, and she nodded immediately. "Of course, I'll inform her now." While they were eating supper, Stella struck up a conversation with Sherry's chief editor. Stanford responded that he was fine with it, despite her insistence that she hadn't touched a drawing pencil in three years. All he asked of her in that week was a draught of a product in that particular style. The boss would formally hire her if they believed there were few issues with it. By the time they had completed their lunch, it was getting a little late. Stanford responded, "It's not easy to call for cab in this area, you two girls are not safe by yourselves, I'll send both of you home." "Great, I'll go to the washroom first." When she was done, Sherry asked Stella, "Would you like to go?" "Let's go." Stella responded, "Please wait for us for a while, Mr. Leif, we'll be right back." Stanford grinned. "Don't worry. Take your time.” "Excellent, we've finally made it!" Sherry exclaimed as she was washing her hands after leaving the restroom. Stella was still a little concerned because she had not anticipated things to go so well. "I'm still afraid that my work won't be approved by your employer later on. I'll feel bad for Mr. Leif and you." "Honey, you've thought too much," Sherry remarked. “Our supervisor is a really pleasant and upbeat elderly man. He essentially stays out of everything, letting Mr. Leif make all of the decisions for the magazine, no matter how big or small. He simply complies with protocol by allowing the manager to see it. You are valued by Mr. Leif, thus there must be no issue." A set of high heels clacking on the floor outside the restroom interrupted Sherry as she was finishing her sentence. The next second, Vivian appeared ahead of them. Stella grabbed a paper towel out and wiped her hands dry, and Vivian just scoffed, as if none of them had expected to see each other there. "What a pathetic follower," Vivian said in an informal tone . "Just say if you want to get beaten, you don't have to beat the bush..." Since there were two people opposing her this time, Vivian knew she would never win against Stella, no matter how strong she was. Sherry replied, "What, do you need me to call others to come over to see how a mistress should behave?" "Stella, aren't you being shameless enough? Could you possibly not know what trick you've used to get married into the Conrad family?" Vivian hissed, her tone unsettling. “You don't appear any better than me, yet you're accusing me of being the mistress. Why, after you've married Clarence successfully, do you truly think you could get rid of your deed?" Sherry opened her mouth to respond, but Stella grabbed her wrist and gave Vivian a serious expression. "Did Clarence tell you that?" It was obvious that Vivian was a dumb woman with hips and breasts. She hadn't brought it up the other two times, and judging by her smug expression as she kicked her when she was on the ground, the only plausible explanation is that she was just aware of it. “Yes, he did say that meeting you in the Twilight Club was the thing he regretted the most in life and that a lady like you truly sickened him. You resemble a sticky, putrid plaster that, as soon as he removes it, stinks up his entire body. He is eager to massage every area of his body that has come into touch with you." Vivian wasn't afraid until she saw Stella's expressionless face after all was said and done. With caution, she retreated a step to avoid being struck by her again. She was shocked to learn that Stella remained silent and had no intention of hitting her. She merely threw the used tissue paper in the trash and walked away. When Sherry saw it, she followed her right away. "Stella, don't take that woman's words to heart, the guys a bastard and the woman's a shameless b***h, they don't worth you getting mad at them.." Before she could say anything more, Shirley noticed the man she had just branded a bastard was standing close to the front and had a dull conversation going on with someone. Stella moved quickly without looking at him, as if she were ignoring him. Vincent James turned as he sensed a malevolent aura approaching from behind. When he noticed the woman getting closer and closer, he was perplexed. “That's your wife, right? What brings her here?" Clarence raised his head and furrowed his brows slightly. His black eyes blazed with impatience. She claimed to only seek a divorce after following him there. When had this woman started to show signs of calculation? Stella did not look at Clarence as she approached, and she had no intention of stopping her stroll, even though he intended to say something stern to her. She swept past him without a word, her face expressionless. Conversely, Sherry, trailing closely after her, paused momentarily next to him. She seemed to be about to chastise him when she opened her mouth, but she fled because she felt the moment was wrong. Having seen the entire process through to its conclusion, Vincent laughed awkwardly to ease his humiliation. "Have I mistaken her for someone else?" You could even say that Clarence detested his wife. That was something that all industry workers were aware of.
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