Chapter 3: Secretarial Duties

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Marie Monday The rest of the afternoon passed quickly. I was told of the gist of my work and even given a hands-on tour of what the job really meant. It really was like the movies, I answer calls for the boss, I set up appointments, I arrange his schedule, yada yada. "Well, that's basically it," His voice was cool. "You start next week but are free to drop by before then for your stuff." He glanced at me. "If you like," The next thing I knew, I was on the elevator down with Naomi, my heart sinking with the motor and my body feeling warmer than usual. The misunderstanding, as it turns out was cleared by Mr.Northcott, he said that I was exempted from the last part of the interviews because somebody, one of the panel, had vouched for me during then. Somewhat like a Golden Buzzer, if you will. His tone was just so I didn't question much into it. Naomi's eyes reflected back on mine. I jumped back slightly. "Um--what?" "I asked if you'll be coming back tomorrow." She scoffs jokingly. "A lot on your mind, huh? Don't worry, MONO isn't strict with work relationships." It was after she sent me a wink that I understood what she meant. I shook my head. "No, I think you've got it wrong--" "Sure." She slurred. I was stubborn. "He's my boss." "Yes. And you're the secretary. In most movies, the audience already knows what'll happen. Plus, you're the go-to cheating option." Naomi turned and gave me a smile, me who was wide-eyed taken aback. "But don't worry, Ian Northcott is single." "But--" The elevator finally reached the first floor and Naomi faced back front, only a shadow of a smile at her lips. I was forced to draw back too, fixing my posture. "Eligible, too." Ah, I lost. --- Friday It was a series of unfortunate events. Usually I don't procrastinate, as much as possible I'd like to do things way before the deadline however it just wasn't my week. I planned to drop my things immediately, so I'd have time to go back if I had things I'd forgotten but Tuesday Mr.Northcott had left the room locked and Naomi didn't clock in, Wednesday surprisingly the exact floor I had to go to (10th) was renovated so I gave up and decided that Friday would be the final day. After then I could immediately take the bus and head to my sister's college. ...that is if I hadn't slept in. I woke up: 8:52pm. I didn't know if it was from the irritating week, the exhaustion from packing or from the failure of my alarm due to my phone being lowbat, regardless I jumped out of bed, grabbed a coat and my bags and practically dashed to the bus stop at record speed. (Yes, I made it.) It takes about 30min. by bus from my place to MONO and as far as I remember they close at 10:00pm. I cursed myself. I hated public transportation when having baggage and I had three (backpack for the overnight, my laptop bag, and my huge paper bag of office things). Also, I hated the rush of sweat and this was, again, in three: bags, rush and sweat. Gross. Hopefully, I thought positively, I could get it done in 20 minutes. The last bus is at 11 anyway, so I can take a coffee break after the mess while I wait. I texted my sister.         TO: Sis         Sorry, I'll be late. Did you have dinner yet? Eat without me.         Let's get an early breakfast tomorrow, instead.         Don't wait up for me, I'll use the key you gave.                  Goodnight. I gripped on the bus handles and sighed. Well, we still had the weekend.         FROM: Sis         BORIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING. Alright, whatever I deserved that one sure enough. -- 9:25pm Thankfully, luck was returning to my side and the bus didn't take as long as I thought. I ran with all my might (and luckily I was wearing shearling boots) pass a few stores since the bus stop was a little less than a street from MONO. I glanced at a 7/11 and took a note to get coffee there-- "'scuse me." was all I heard and the next thing I knew, my office supplies had flown and scattered all over the street. I was on my knees and palms in shock. I whipped my head up, my nostrils flaring. Okay, rude? "Hey!" I called out to the gruff voice but all I got was a view of his running back. "Asshole!" I sighed and placed my glasses back. I took it back. I was still unlucky. If I had worn contacts I could've seen that son of a b***h and tackle him the next time I saw him. I tried to calm down. "Are you alright?" I looked up and saw a guy wearing a beanie, a girl clinging on his left arm. He reached out his hand. "Can you stand?" I took it it and bowed my head. "Yes, sor--Thank you," The girl with him smiled and handed me my paper bag to which I thanked gladly. The people around helped picked up my things so I had to  constantly bow and thank them before I Usain Bolt-ed to MONO. Unlike when I was in a blazer and heels, the security hesitated in letting me in in my UGGS and sweater and a complete bird's nest of a hair. It took me a couple minutes to convince them and explain that I was new and would still be starting next week hence my lack of the company I.D. We compromised: a personnel had to accompany me to drop my things. At this point, I was tired from running and hungry from the lack of dinner that I just gave up and agreed. I took another note to come to Monday earlier than necessary to fix my things since I had no time now. I understand that it's their job but I was beyond reasoning right now and just wanted to get this over with. Even as we walked up to the reception where we were informed about the closing time and where they agreed to let me up once I had given my name, the security's facade didn't change and just followed me with a blank face. He certainly wasn't letting his guard down. He also had me leave my backpack and I was so done that I gave in without argument. The elevator ride was awkward and the only sound was the tapping of my foot. Remembering the office through memory, I sped-walked through the other offices and headed straight for the one at the end of the hall. Mr.Security was about to tap his I.D. when the door opened and we both synchronously jumped back. "Oh?" My eyes were glued on the door handle but I knew that baritone. My instinct was not to, but I surprised myself as my eyes met his quietly.  I swear I could feel static, through my cheekbones, like the start of a storm although this time I could also feel the blood rushing in a blush. As if snapping out of a daze, I lowered my gaze down to his expensive watch and let Security do the job of explaining. I was self-conscious, that was the why of the blush. I mean you were suddenly faced with  your boss without the right clothes nor even make-up, what did you expect? Comparatively, at that one glance I saw that he had on a nice suit, no less than expensive than what he wore the first time we met, I'm sure. And that damn watch could've paid all my student loans, I'm sure. I sighed internally as I tried to calm my hair. I felt my glasses slipping. Definitely. This guy can definitely lower self-esteem. "I see," Mr.Northcott said after Security finished. "Yes, Ms.Joaquin is my new secretary. And this may be too casual but I was expecting her. You came to drop your things correct?" This time I had no choice but to look up, at least until his chin and dumbly nodded. "Yes...that's, that's right." On my peripheral, I saw him stare at me for some time then turned to Mr.Security. "It's fine, you can head down now." Security took a moment, maybe deciding to reply or not, then finally stepped back and bowed. "Yes, sir." He walked back until I heard the elevator doors close and a "ting". In a matter of seconds, we were alone.  "Ms.Joaquin," "Yes?" "Ms.Joaquin." He said a little icily and my breath got caught in my throat as I felt a chill. This was different than the first, straight to my spine. I looked up at him and forced myself not to look away. "Yes, sir?" "That's not what I meant," A shadow of a smile ran at the corner of his lips and I only saw it for a second before he turned. He stopped just beside the door and went to the side, opening it wider for me. Does he mean--? I panicked. "S-sir--" He nodded and that was all it took for me to shut up and enter. I headed straight to my desk and placed the paper bag on top of it and my laptop bag on the chair. He closed the door quietly. "Can you do it in 10 minutes?" Mr.Northcott was standing in front of my desk. "Yes, sir." I maintained eye contact. He nodded and opened the door to his office. "Please do. I wasn't lying when I said I was expecting someone. Let them in if they've arrived but I'm hoping you leave before then." "Yes, sir." I answered again. He chuckled. "You're starting to sound like my secretary already." When I was finally alone, I let out a shaky breath. The things Naomi told me were really messing with my head. Plus, his cologne when I passed by him added to the craziness that I swear I heard Taylor Swift sing "You're so gorgeous" right beside my ear.  This won't do. Stop this at once, Marie. Dismissing my thought firmly, I busied myself by placing the supplies on my desk as fast as possible: a small succulent, sticky notes, a tin full of pens, a black lamp, and since I unconsciously bought it because it was cute, an aromatherapy stick. Feeling satisfied with the arrangement, I opened the drawers and placed some necessities as well: a coaster, some notebooks, an emergency pouch, spare glasses and scotch tape and scissors. Peaking in the bag, the only thing left was a picture frame of me and my sister. I debated on whether or not placing it on the table but I decided to just go for it. It was a small one anyway, smaller than a 4x6, something I bought a few years back. The picture was of us when Mia graduated high school, I was sitting on a chair in a rare all-white formal and Mia was in a graduation toga hugging me from behind. I glanced at my watch and thankfully finished within 6 minutes. I folded the paper bag and stuffed it inside my laptop bag. I debated on whether to knock and inform Mr.Northcott or just leave quietly. I scratched the second one right after I thought of it. No, that would be rude as hell. I went around my desk and was about to knock on his door when-- a couple of knocks coming from the main door beat me to it. Quite new to this, I quickly went back and sat down on my chair, directly in front of two built-in buttons. One was for conversing with the person (for checking people before they enter/meet Mr.Northcott) and the other was opening the door. They were both conveniently placed under the table. I reviewed what he instructed me to do from Monday's tour and calmly answered. I pressed the first button. "Yes?" "Yeah?" A high-pitched voiced answered me. "Yeah, hey, Ian Northcott is expecting me?" I ignored the irritating feeling brought by her voice and pressed the second button to open the door. "Yes, please come in." A bush of blonde curls entered the door and I had to stop the grimace from showing on my face as the scent of a cheap Victoria Secret imitation flooded the room. I quickly stood up and masked it with a smile. "Please wait, I'll call Mr.Northcott. Have a seat." Damn she was at least a head taller than me, even without the heels. She sat and studied the room and, being bored of that, studied me. I used the phone on my table to inform Mr.Northcott, all the while studying her too, under my lashes. I put down the phone and looked at her above my glasses. Then, another smile. "He'll be here shortly." She gave a sigh in response and crossed her legs. It was then that I could imagine, even without her taking off her coat, what she was wearing underneath. Her make-up was good though, I'll give her that. Though personally it was because of the leopard print fur on her boots that made me conclude. By the time Mr.Northcott arrived in the room, I was already wearing my laptop bag, ready to go. Our eyes met and I bowed. "Th--" "Finally," Blondie clung almost instantly to his arm. "Were you that busy, Ian?" "Daphne," He glanced at her. "I was finishing up something." Then said in an up-beat tone, "I see you've met my new secretary." She barely moved and I decided I've been here long enough so again, I bowed. "Good evening, Ms." She giggled. "Ms., how cute," I turned to face Mr.Northcott and met his eyes that were already on me. "Sir, sorry for overstaying, if you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving now. Good evening." Swiftly, I gave a final, deeper, bow and left the room. "See you on Monday, Ms.Joaquin." That one sentence was enough to cool the irritating shrill and blow off the cheap perfume, but still, I held my breath until I was sure I was alone. In the safety of the elevator I let out a groan. Well that was an annoying surprise. It was feeling warmer and, after stretching, I gave a big yawn and glanced at my watch. 9:49pm. That felt way longer than 10 minutes. However quite frankly, I wasn't the least bit disturbed. Probably exhausted but the hope that, without the coffee break I was dreaming of, I would be in time for the bus at 10:00pm gave me a good feeling. All this alone time was making me think things, things that obviously I'm about to be paid for for being kept thoughts only. After all, I work directly under the boss. I guess then, a secretary's job was not limited to business only but could include personal, specifically pleasure. I left MONO with two thoughts: Mr.Northcott's s****l preference and a question, Was a brothel open this early?
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