RAVEN: Father

1297 Words
Hours pass, the drive to this new house and her new fiancé has blown too much of the money I had saved down the exhaust. My fingers tap against the wheel, first thing I need to do when I get there, is find a job. I can already tell I am close, with each new house I pass, they become bigger, more expensive, and honestly a waste of space. I feel more out of place and awkward as I see the houses grow before me. She did her work on this guy, this is probably one of the richest if not the richest guy she has found and dated. I want to say maybe it will last, but it won’t. A shiver runs up my spine, the moving seems to help keep him at bay, no doubt when he finally finds me we have moved. I look at the house as the gates open for me to drive in. The house alone says this man has more money than anyone she dated. Which means it won’t last. She will get greedy and no doubt he will cut her off. She does that, gets overjoyed and foolish with money, and it shows her true intent. Climbing from the car I grab my things, I watch the large double doors open, and prepare for my mother's orders, but stop when a man steps out. He looks at me disappointed. “I have the right place, right? I’m Raven, Heather’s daughter.” I wonder if she wrote it down wrong, or if the guy lied and doesn’t live here. It wouldn’t be the first time my mother tried milking a guy for everything and he was fake, with just as little as her. “Raven, this is the right place.” He calls out as I walk up the marble steps towards him. I get closer and he shakes his head at my clothing. Okay, I’m wearing shorts and a T-shirt tied up. In this neighbourhood, I look like trash. Even if he offers me money, I won’t take it and be my mother, not that I could, the intentions of her men are forever tainted. “I’m your dad.” My eyes widen hearing him. “Erm...what the f*****g crap s**t is going on? I thought you were dead?” Clearly not, and he’s clearly rich. “So she’s coming back to you then?” After over eighteen years, she comes back to him? “Your mother is not coming here Raven, I am living with another woman and her sons.” I just stand and stare at him. I’m thrown, lost and confused as s**t. “Look, this is the house I live in with Emilia. Follow me.” I follow him past the doors he came out of and around the outside of the house. He stops at another set of large double doors. “The two houses are connected, the boys live on this side. They use this entry.” He walks in and I follow. “Living room, kitchen, games room, pool, these three rooms are the boy’s room, this is yours.” He opens the door, and I look inside. It’s small. Not that I care, I will sleep and get changed here, and that is about it. “Get settled in, the boys are away for the week. Stay out of the other side of the house Raven.” His words are stern, I search his face for any resemblance to mine, but there’s nothing. “Fine with me, but why am I here?” Why didn’t mum just drag me with her again? “Raven, your mother found me and told me you’re sleeping around, dancing on laps, whoring yourself out and even sleeping with one of her fiancé.” His disgusted look trails my body. “Okay, one. I don’t dance on laps. I dance around people, no touching. Two, when I slept with the guy, I didn’t know who he was, and why am I to blame? He told me was single, then when mum’s friend came back from his work trip, I realised it was him.” It’s not my fault, he was at the club, I danced and he pulled me aside. He was single, or so he said. “Raven, if you act like this and cause trouble with me and Emilia, you’re out on the street as I won’t do what your mum did and carry you from place to place. If I have to leave here, you’re on the streets.” His face grows red as his anger rises. “It’s your house.” Why would he end up on the streets? “Raven, I have been dating Emilia for three months. Don’t f**k things up for me.” I laugh, he’s just like my mum. “You’re with her for the cash, you and mum are the exact same, makes no wonder why you divorced so quickly. You’re both gold diggers.” His hand hits me, and my head throws sideways. I place my hand against my cheek in shock. I kind of deserved it. “You can stop that, I mean it, Raven. What me and your mother do with our lives is our choice!” “Just like my life is my choice. Don’t worry, I won’t tell Emilia you’re here for the money. As soon as I save enough, I’m gone then both you and mum are free of me.” “By using guys?” He looks at me disgusted. “Isn’t that what mom does, isn’t that what you’re doing with Emilia? At least the guys I get money from know that I’m there dancing for money, not love.” I walk into my room and slam the door shut. Hell, my dad isn’t dead! I was ready to face a new stepfather, but instead, she sent me to my real dad. She must really hate me. I can’t help but laugh. Grabbing the laptop I begin looking for jobs, once again they are all dancing or club work. At least I know my dad’s partner won’t be one of the people watching me dance. After applying for some jobs, I walk to the kitchen and cook. Sitting I eat, my phone beeping. Hitting answer I hold it to my ear. “Hello?” “Hello, is this Raven?” “It is.” I don’t know why anyone would call me. “Hello, cutie! Are you free in an hour, your application got through just in time. We are holding auditions for the new dancer at Skinsteel. Six women, one spot, are you up for it?” “Yes! Thank you, I will make my way now.” I will, I need the job, petrol to get here wasn’t cheap and I had to use it out of the money I was saving to find my own place. Taking down the address I say goodbye and walk to the small bathroom. I get showered and shaved, before throwing on some clothes and leaving. After the audition, I will find somewhere to sit and drink. Just like the last few places I lived in, I won’t make friends. They will only end in a month when things go downhill, which they always do. Arriving at the club, I walk in and see the other women standing on the stage. “Raven?” A woman looks towards me and I nod. “I’m Alexa, this is Ella and Sasha, I’m the manager. Join the other ladies on stage and let’s get the auditions started then decide who earned their place with the ladies here.” I nod in response and jump up on the stage, hoping I get this job.
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