CHAPTER SIX: Stacey's Whys

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"Don't be scared of anyone, even of Zaide. As long as you're with me, I'll always make you safe." - It’s Colt's promise that draws me back from the shadows of doubt and into the fragile light of trust. I apologize to the Omegas I left to work for themselves without any explanation while I sought for my own safety. I steel myself for their judgment, for their harsh words. But to my astonishment, their forgiveness is swift. None even asked me why I did what I did. Is this how kind everyone in this pack is? Even so, I can't allow myself to make the same mistake again. But,... but what if Colt can't protect me from Zaide? What if the day comes when he’ll have no choice but to sell me out? Over the last few days, I've been able to earn and save money. But the money is still not enough to rent a place, I still need to grind more. While I’m cleaning the dishes, I’m suddenly summoned by their Alpha, whose name is Orion Gabriel. He probably wants to make sure that I’m no threat to his pack’s security. "Come in," a deep voice calls from within the study room. I’m immediately struck by the imposing figure seated at the desk. Alpha Orion is dressed in his pack's military uniform, which hugs his muscular frame. He looks younger than I’ve imagined, his violet eyes sharp and assessing. "You must be Stacey," he says, his tone neutral but not unkind. "Come and sit." My legs feel like jelly as I walk over to the sofa and sit down. Alpha Orion sits beside me, and I swallow hard, trying to steady my nerves. "Uhm, thank you for hiring me, even if I'm just a rogue," I manage to say. Alpha Orion smiles. "I heard from the others that you ran away last night?" I almost gasp. He knows? … Of course, he does—he should. I hesitate to state something too personal, but Alpha Orion deserves an explanation if he has to continue hiring me. "Is it about Zaide Raven of the Crimson Fangs Pack?" he asks suddenly. My breath catches in my throat. I can’t respond. "Zaide is a good man," Alpha Orion continues confidently. "He won't harm you. And even if he attempts to, I won’t let him." Why do they keep promising me security? What did I do to get all this? "By the way, how's your pregnancy?" His voice is softer. My eyes widen in disbelief. How much does he know? Why did Colt need to tell him about this too? "I'll send a nurse to Colt's house who will check on you every month," he adds. Every month? Is he expecting me to stay that long? I’ll leave as soon as I save enough to start a new life. But before I can voice my plan, he hands me an envelope with gold detailing. "I'm personally inviting you to tonight's celebration, not as a server, but as my special guest," he says. “My daughter will be here, and I want you to meet her.” "Special guest? Meeting your daughter? B-but why? I'm a nobody, always have been.” “It saddens me to know that that’s how your former pack made you feel,” he says. "You’re not a nobody, Stacey. You’re part of this pack now, and we take care of our own." I can’t believe what I’m hearing. He wants me to be a part of his pack? He doesn’t even ask if I want to, doesn’t even offer it to me. He says it as if I have no choice but to accept it. As I clutch the envelope, hope glimmers in me. Perhaps, just perhaps, I’ve finally found a place where I belong. When it’s time to leave, Alpha Orion closes the distance between us… again. Shockingly, he wraps his arms around me very tightly. I jolt, my mind screaming to push him away, but my heart says it’s disrespectful to do it. When he pulls back slightly and kisses my forehead, I’m certain my face reflects confusion, discomfort, and a touch of fear. He just simply smiles at me, unapologetic, as if his actions are the most natural thing in the world. When I return to Colt's house, I find a beautifully wrapped box waiting for me from Alpha Orion. Inside is a stunning yellow dress that sparkles and a pair of high heels with a note attached: ‘Wear these tonight.’ Why is Alpha Orion doing this for me? I keep asking that to Colt, hoping for some clarity, but he’s only giving me either a smile or a shrug. They have to be trying to manipulate me somehow. Perhaps they want me to feel indebted, to lower my guard so they can send me back to my pack. But why go through such lengths? I’m weak and vulnerable; they can have easily overpowered me without the charade. What else can it be? There’s another thought that keeps resurfacing, no matter how much I try to suppress it; Could Alpha Orion be interested in me? But he’s too old for me. If this assumption is correct, then I have to figure out a way to politely reject him. When night falls, the streets become alive again. Members of the Shadow Howling Pack are dressed in chic dresses and suits. Though I feel good with the dress, I wobble with the heels. Colt offers his arm to me, which I take with a nod of thanks. As we approach Alpha Orion’s mansion, I can't shake the feeling that my life is about to change in ways I can't yet comprehend. And despite my fears, a small part of me is intrigued by the possibilities. Inside the grand hall, every eye turns towards me with a mix of respect and awe. I shift uncomfortably, feeling exposed and out of place. Did the dress make me look like a goddess? The thought almost makes me laugh, but I stifle it. But, seriously, why is everybody staring at me? "Relax," Colt whispers. I try to be nonchalant, but falter more often than I want to. In the center of the hall is Alpha Orion. Beside him is a beautiful young woman, likely the same age as me, wearing the most stunning dress in the room. She must be Alpha Orion’s daughter since she looks a lot like him. They have the same violet eyes and dark hair. Unlike everyone else, this woman’s expression is far from welcoming; she looks downright angry, as if she can’t fathom why someone like me is here as a guest. Alpha Orion extends his hand towards me, and my grip on Colt’s arm tightens instinctively. "It’s alright. Go on," Colt urges gently. Not wanting to humiliate Alpha Orion, I take his hand. He leads me to the center of the hall, where the young woman’s glare intensifies. Then, my anxiety spikes as he raises his voice to address the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve waited two decades for this moment to come, and finally, it has arrived." Waiting for what? What is he talking about? What does this have to do with me? Alpha Orion’s next words suck the air out of my lungs. "Let me introduce you to my long-lost daughter, Stacey."
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