CHAPTER NINE: She has Changed

1071 Words

Zaide’s smile is how I remember it, sweet and warm, the same one that made me fall in love with him. But I’m no fool anymore; I know better than to trust that smile. "How have you been?" he asks, ignoring my revelation that I’m now an Alpha. He doesn’t even ask about my disappearance. Of course, he won’t. He probably knew the whole sordid tale—how Tara tried to kill me. "How's your pregnancy? Our baby?" He doesn’t have a single right to know anything about my baby. This is my chance to twist the knife in return. "Our baby?" I echo with sarcasm. "The baby died, Zaide. When Tara tried to kill me." My voice is loud enough that heads turn, curious eyes locking onto us, the hum of conversation dying down to a whisper. Zaide doesn’t show any emotion at all! Not the tiniest bit! I clen

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