1254 Words

COLT’S POV: I wanna tell Stacey the whole truth, but I can’t—at least not without Alpha Orion’s permission. I head towards Alpha Orion’s mansion, but immediately regret the timing when I see Michelle is there as well. Unlucky - I say inwardly, bitterly to myself. This conversation should be private. But now, with Michelle present, I’ll have to wait a little longer. Alpha Orion, behind the desk, motions for me to take a seat opposite to Michelle. "Perfect timing," he says. "Michelle and I are actually discussing your father and my agreement about her and your future together. I hope you've gotten enough time to think about signing the agreement?" My throat tightens, my response unable to come out. It isn’t because I’m still undecided—I know exactly what I need to say—but the challe

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