Episode 14

1055 Words
Maria is contacted by the central police and she is alleviated to learn that her best friend is alive and well. She borrows my car and drives to the hospital to pick me up. “Oh Tyra you have no idea how scared I was and how happy I am to see that you are okay,” Maria cries as she rushes over to me and wraps me in a tight embrace. “Thank you Mari...the doctor said I’m doing fine and I can go home now." I happily announce. Maria doesn't respond, she keeps fondly brushing my hair with her hand. I can see how eased and gratified she is to see me alive. My cheeks dimple it feels good to have someone who cares so much about me. "How did you get here so fast?” I question with a creased forehead. “I…I.. used your car I hope you don’t mind,” she whispers. “Of course not.. I hope you didn’t tell nana about this I don’t think she would. . .” “Don’t worry I didn’t,” “Okay…good…and what about Chad?” “I didn’t tell him either," "Good," I sigh. "What happened Tyra.. do you remember who shot you?” I knew it was only a matter of time before that question was thrown at me, not that I blame her she has to ask because she cares. The problem is I worry how she will react if I tell her who was behind it all. It's no secret that she has hated Chad from the onset and she has warned me about him. I do not want to hear the words, "I told you so" from her lips. “No...I don't remember what happened and I don’t want to talk about it at least not for now.” "Alright that’s fine you will tell me about it when you are ready. I brought you clean clothes that you can change into and I also brought your favourite take away.. cheese burger.. just in case you are hungry,” she brightly squeals, trying to cheer me up. “Thank you Maria you are the sweetest best friend in the whole world,” I praise with my eyes crinkling. She helps me out of the bed and I'm more than happy to throw away the hospital robe and slip into my own comfortable clothes. After signing the discharge forms and being lectured on the do's and don’ts by the caring doctor Maria drives me home. In the evening Chad passes by to find out what’s going on with me since he still hasn’t been informed if I'm alive or dead and being in the dark has been driving him literally insane. I'm relaxing on the couch watching a comedy movie with Maria next to me when we unexpectedly hear a car pull up in front of our house. Maria rushes to the front curtains and twitches them aside to peek outside. She icily smirks when she spots Chad’s car. “It’s Chad!" she announces. If I wasn't still recovering I would have jumped out of my seat in a flash. "What is he doing here?" I fight hard to sound calm. "I forgot to tell you that he called a few days back asking where you are but I didn’t tell him anything. I was still angry at him for giving you a blue eye...I guess he decided to come in person to look for you.” Wow! I'm astounded by the fact that he called Maria pretending to look for me when he knew exactly where he left me. I guess it was his way of getting Maria to eliminate him as a suspect. Before I can respond to Maria I hear a loud knock on the door, “Maria open up!” Chad demands. Maria begins to make her way to the door to let him in. “Please stop! You can't let him in,” I plead with dread and fear written all over me. Maria is puzzled by my terrified expression. This makes her wonder what’s going on. She doubts I would be this afraid of Chad because of the last beating he gave me since it wasn't his first tim. He often hits me and I have never showed so much fear of him like I am right now. “Tyra relax...It’s just your boyfriend Chad... what is going on...why don’t you want me to let him in?” “I can’t tell you right now all you need to know is... I’m not ready to see him,” “Well if you are not going to tell me anything then I guess I am going to have to let him in so I can ask him why you are so afraid of seeing him,” she threatens. I call her bluff but when I see her begin to pace towards the door it dawns on me that she surely wasn’t kidding. “Stop! I will tell you everything…please just don’t let him in.” I pant with my mouth slightly open. “Come on Maria… open the damn door...I know you are home,” Chad hollers whilst leaning against the door. We keep dead quiet as Chad keeps knocking and banging on the door. After a few minutes he eventually gives up and leaves. Once Maria confirms that Chad has gone she turns to me and shoots me a look that says “start talking" I correctly interpret her expression and I begin explaining myself. “Chad is. . .” I pause to swallow. “Is what?” Maria gets impatient. “He...is...uh...he is the one who…who kidnapped me and shot me. He tried to kill me...my own boyfriend tried to kill me!" I spill as tears well up in my eyes. “What!!” Maria is flabbergasted, she sinks down on the couch while clasping her hands in disbelief. “I know what a douche bag Chad is but... I have never for a second thought he is capable of kidnapping let alone attempted murder!” Maria exclaims. “That makes two of us," I sniffle. “Please tell me what happened Tyra," she implores, with a genuinley concerned look on her face.
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