Episode 8

1045 Words
On our way to the club I play my favourite songs on full blast, we crazily nod our heads as we giddily sing along to the song no angel by Charlie XCX, “always been a little bit fast and wild," I start singing screaming aloud so my voice beats the loud music and then I gesture to Maria to sing the next line “and mama always said I was a problem child," she excitedly follows with her eyes lingering on mine. “I’m just living life till the day I die, its’ all I Know that’s how I roll," we scream together in unison before bursting into cheerful laughter. Laughing like that and enjoying myself feels so healthy and liberating. It's like a weight taken off my shoulders and it feels like I'm a whole new person who has no sorrows. This is exactly what I needed to get over what Chad did to me, even if it's only going to be for a short while. It’s not long before we reach Dalax Club, one of the cities most happening clubs known for it's good music, vibrant atmosphere and beautiful surroundings. We join the queue to get in and our ID’s are thoroughly checked before we get the club’s stamp branded on our wrists. “Please remind me to rub this stamp off as soon as I get home," I ask, because I want to play safe in case Chad shows up on my doorstep. I wouldn't want him to see the stamp and get pissed off. The last beating he gave me is enough to emotionally bruise me for the next two months so I better avoid getting another whacking before then. “Hmmm I will think about it,” Maria teases. I jokingly jab her with my elbow in response and she giggles. We don’t waste time, we hit the dance floor as soon as we stride in. We didn't come to waste time we came to party. Dalax is a small club not too crowded or too full of annoying teenagers. The atmosphere is thrilling and elevating, the sound system excellently provides good quality music and the DJ keeps playing the hottest songs ever. I don't remember the last time I had this much fun doing what I love, it feels so damn good to dance my worries away and be lost in the music. Having bust some sick moves on the dance floor for sometime we take a break and head to the bar to take some shots. “Damn girl I had forgotten you can dance like that," Maria gushes. “You haven’t seen anything yet just keep watching," I dramatically smile after gulping down a shot. My eyes momentarily glance around the room and my brows furrow after spotting Maria’s boyfriend Randy heading towards us, “What the hell is Randy doing here.. I thought we were having a girls only thing?” I question with a faltering smile. “I thought it would be nice to have a man’s hands all over me on the dance floor,” she replies. “Gee great and what am I supposed to do because I cannot invite my boyfriend to this place and he can’t see me dressed like this?” I slam the glass on the table. “Dance with one of Randy’s friends no one has to know,” she suggests before flouncing off to meet up with Randy whom she eagerly drags to the dance floor. With my best friend unexpectedly abandoning me I wasn't prepared for some solo time. I'm bored out of my mind while attempting to keep myself entertained by watching couples hitting it off on the dance floor but seeing how much fun they are having makes me feel lonely and miserable. I silently cuss Maria for inviting her boyfriend without my knowledge, she was supposed to be my date through out the entire night but then I guess since I don't have a manhood in between my thighs I wasn't enough fun for her. A young man walks up to me and boldly asks me to dance with him, even though I feel gratified I can't accept his offer. “I'm sorry I can’t my boyfriend…” He doesn't give me time to finish my sentence. “Is he here?” The brown eyed man ruefully questions as he brushes back his blond hair with his hand. I can’t help but study him, my eyes move from his face and scan him all the way down to his feet. He is tall with a hard lean body frame. Dressed in black jeans, black leather jacket and boots, he looks like a bad boy who just got off his motorbike. “No he is not here," I yell loudly to prevent the loud music from swallowing up my voice. “My girlfriend is not here either so let’s not be miserable it’s just an innocent dance and they don’t have to know,” he whispers convincingly into my ears. I take a few seconds to contemplate over it before agreeing out of misery. "Alright but if we are going to dance together then we have to know each other’s names. I’m Tyra Smith,” I hold out my hand as I introduce myself. “I’m Ayden Freeman one of Randy’s friends,” his hand meets mine in a brief hand shake. “Ooh so it’s Maria who sent you to ask me to dance?” I assumingly smirk. “Yes it was her suggestion, is that a problem?” He lifts his brows. “If she is not trying to get me a new boyfriend then it’s no problem, let’s go dance." I respond and follow by ushering him to the dance floor. Ayden is surprisingly disciplined he does not act inappropriately towards me while we dance and he is impressively fun to dance with. He has pretty good moves which end up compelling a lot of people to fixate on us. I feel like I've stepped into another world where troubles don’t exist. I feel young, beautiful, desirable and most importantly I feel free. I vibrantly shake my body, I sway my hips to the left and to the right. I turn around and jump up and down as I move to the rhythm of the beat.
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