Episode 46

1024 Words

I would have never guessed that Jaxon is mother Margaret's biological son, they don't look anything alike except sharing the same colour of eyes. Perhaps Jaxon took his father's resemblance, whoever he may be. This explains why Jaxon often visits the cottage and makes himself at home. I'm left baffled when it dawns on me how old mother Margaret looks and how young Jaxon is. How is it possible that she can have a son young enough to be her grand child? "Mother Margaret, Is Jaxon not the same age as I am?" My jaw drops and bewilderment spreads across my face. "Yes he is," she chuckles for she had been waiting for me to ask her that question. "Well then, are you not as old as I think you are?" I throw another question. "Yes I am Tyra...Jaxon was a miracle baby, I had him in my early fif

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