Episode 58

1085 Words

ALEXANDER’S POV It is early in the morning and I am out for a jog, something I have not done in years as I always work out indoors in my home gym that is equipped with all the latest machines and equipment. I have two of my bodyguards jogging in front of me while two follow behind me. Today I woke up with a burst of energy, I am betting it has to do with last night, I feel rejuvenated and reanimated. Sweat begins to trickle down my forehead as I pick up my pace and after fifteen minutes of jogging, I turn around and jog heading back home. After arriving, I immediately rush to the shower and take my time in there, my naked form takes me back to last night. I cannot explain what came over me, I did not have s*x with Tyra as I had intended to do but it was much more than that. I can say i

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