Episode 19

2124 Words
My eyes dart around at the same time my left hand rubs on the back of my neck. Chad has his head hanging down. My heart sinks when I see him dressed in an orange jumpsuit with chains cuffed to his ankles.   "Chad....how are you?"  He slowly tilts his head up to look at me. His eyes linger on me for an uncomfortable moment. I shift my butt a couple of times in my seat as if the chair has heat emitting from it.   "I would be lying if I said I'm okay...people like me are not meant for places like these…I don't know how I'm going to survive five years in this dump but I'm sure you didn't come here to know how I'm doing. Are you here to gloat or perhaps to tell me I got exactly what I deserve?" His eyes turn from neutral to blazing with resentment.   "Chad...I'm not the one who turned you in...It was Maria. She did it behind my back and since then we don't see eye to eye....The day you got arrested I came to your house to accept your proposal," I explain.   He holds my gaze to search for the truth in my eyes.   "I can't say I'm surprised…Maria has always been a jealous b***h," he scoffs.   "I came here to say goodbye Chad…I'm leaving the city and heading back to Mahitma,"   He gapes at me and it's clear he is stunned to hear the news.   "Why?...Is everything okay...is your nana okay?" He sounds genuinely concerned and that kind of soothes me.   "I can't afford to pay her nurse so she is leaving and I will have to be the one to take care of nana,"   "I'm so sorry to hear that Tyra...I want you to know that I'm truly sorry for everything I put you through. I hope one day you will learn to forgive me,"   "I already have Chad...I just hope you will become a better person and that this place won't change you for the worst... Chad…since I'm leaving I wanted to ask you who I should give the car keys to?"   "Tyra! I bought the car for you and after everything I have put you through you deserve a better compensation. Please keep the car. If you don't want anything that reminds you of me then you can sell the car and buy another one,"   "That won't be necessary Chad...I can never hate you...and there is a part of me that will always love you and wish you well."   He is stunned to hear those words and his eyes almost tear up.   "Tyra...you have no idea how much it means to me to hear you say that and I know I messed up and I treated you badly but I did care about you I still do," he declares.   I want to hold his hand and squeeze it gently but since touching is not allowed all I can do is smile at him. I flash him a wide grin and he smiles back with relief, hope and happiness glimmering in his eyes. *** It's Saturday morning I wake up to the sound of the chirping birds and the glimmering sunrise. I mutely plop myself on the couch for a little while just musing over what the day holds for me. I gloomily run my fingers through my hair while my eyes thoroughly scan the living room that has been my bedroom ever since Maria and I moved into the one bedroomed apartment.   Our relationship hasn’t been the same again ever since she got Chad arrested all the more reason I couldn't bear sleeping in the same room as her.   The honking cars that are passing by pull me out of my thoughts. I haul myself to my feet and I stride to the window to peek outside to check what the weather is like.   There seems to be a cool breeze that is wiggling the tree leaves. The sky appears clear without a single cloud on it and the weather seems cool not cold or hot it looks like a perfect weather for travelling.   I trudge to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then I tie my hair backwards to keep it out of my face while I cleanse it. I splash cold water onto my face to refresh my skin. After I'm done I slip into the kitchen to rummage through the fridge and the cupboards in search for something to eat.   “Great there is no milk and the cereal is finished,” I smirk. There is practically nothing to eat so I might as well forget about eating and head straight to the shower.   Maria is still asleep by the time I finish showering and dressing up. I have no choice but to wait for her to wake up then I can enter the bedroom and clear out my closet.   After what feels like an entire day of waiting Maria finally shuffles out of the bedroom yawning and rubbing her eyes.   “You have bathed already!...What time is it?” She blinks in surprise.   “It’s after 9am,” I curtly reply making my way in to the bedroom. I pull out my suitcase and start packing.   Maria follows me into the bedroom, “Tyra what’s going on?” She furrows her brows.   “I’m packing my things,”    “I can see that... but why?”   “Maria I don’t see why I should stay here. I can't find a job and I also can’t stand living with you in this dump. I still can't get over the fact that.. what you did ruined not only my life but my nana’s too... Right now the nurse that has been taking care of her for over a year is leaving because I can’t afford to pay her anymore as if that alone isn't enough nana has also run out of food and medication. There is absolutely no reason for me to be here...in fact this is the last place I want to be,” I scoff.   “How many times am I supposed to apologize Tyra?”   “I don't want your apologies Maria.. they can never undo what has been done." I grouch.   Maria feels dejected and powerless and she regrets ruining our friendship. She does not want me to leave, we have been living together for quite a long time now and neither of us had expected that one day we would part ways.   She dejectedly slumps into a chair as I carry on pulling out my clothes from the wardrobe and folding them into my suitcase.   “Do you mind telling me where you are going?” she inquires with a soft tone.   I delay to respond as I glance over my shoulders to peer at her and I feel a pang in my heart as I observe the crushed look on my friend’s face.   “I’m going to Mahitma Village.. I have to take care of nana since I can't afford to hire anyone to do that for me,” I clear my throat.   “Oh...right! I totally understand,” she whispers.     Thirty minutes later she helps me with loading my luggage in to the trunk. Soon as we are done we stand facing each other in uncomfortable silence until she says something to break it.   “I am very sorry for everything Tyra I just hope one day you will be able to forgive me and If I manage to get spare cash I will make sure to send you something. It's the least I can do to help you and nana.”   “I am sorry too Maria and I really wish things had turned out differently for us,” I pull her into my arms for a tight, long hug.   “Please drive safely and greet nana for me,” she yells on the verge of tears as I hop inside the car and start the engine.   It is an emotional trip back to Mahitma I feel defeated and it feels like the end of the road for me. I have lost the luxurious life I had become accustomed to and now I'm about to become a country girl who is living in the village with her nana.   My head keeps spinning for I'm unable to stop worrying about how we will survive and for how long? At least the money that I got from selling my accessories will cover me for a short while and hopefully give me time to come up with a plan to make money for a living.   A couple of hours later I pull up the car in front of my nana's village.   I thoughtfully gaze at the small house painted in grey as I try to accept that this is to be my home once again and only God knows for how long.   “Nana!” I holler announcing my arrival, the front door is unlocked so I let myself in and I carry on calling out to nana.   I'm startled when Betty emerges from the corridor, “Betty! I didn’t expect to find you here,”   “I know Ms Tyra.. I’m going to catch the one o’clock bus.. how are you?”   “I’m okay and how about you?" "Where is nana?" I question, totally forgetting to give her a chance to respond to my first question.   “I just put her to sleep she is not feeling so well, she really needs her medication and I guess the fact that I'm leaving today is troubling her," she replies.   “Of course she is troubled by it I wouldn't expect her not to be. My nana is very fond of you Betty...you are very dear to her she adores you,”   Betty breaks into a wide grin before responding,   “Not as much as she adores you Tyra she will be very happy to have you staying with her,”   “I know and I'm looking forward to spending every waking second with nana." I lazily smile.   "I managed to buy a few groceries and nana’s meds on my way here,” I announce as I turn aside to pick up my handbag. After briefly rifling through it I pull out an envelope and I hand it to Betty.   “What is this?” Betty hesitates to accept the envelope until I motion to her to go ahead and take it.   “It's not much but just enough to cover your one month’s salary. I feel so bad for letting you work two months without pay,”   “Oh Tyra that is so sweet and thoughtful of you but I cannot accept this money," she states as she drops the envelope on the table leaving me puzzled, wide eyed and open mouthed.   “Why not…it's not a gift...you worked for it Betty?”   She pulls out a chair to sit and I follow her.   “Well...I had some time to think. Taking care of nana hasn’t been merely a job to me. I have grown to love and care for her because she is a wonderful woman and I can't help but feel bad for charging you for the pleasure of taking care of nana,” she states.   “But Betty. . .”   “No let me finish,” she stops me.   “You have been very kind to me Miss Tyra and you have treated me like family...you were even paying me double and because of that I managed to save some money for future emergencies. Apart from that I have already found a job that promises a good salary so I will be fine but as for you...You are not working and you have nana to take care of, so you will need to save and use wisely the money that you have right now."     “Betty I don’t know what to say.. you are very kind.. thank you so much,” I'm moved by her kindness and I was not expecting such generosity from her.   I spring up from my chair and run to her to wrap her in a warm embrace. She holds me dearly in her arms and kisses my forehead.   “Please let me drive you to the bus station,” I  insist and I'm pleased when she agrees without delay.   Watching Betty climb in to the bus and wave goodbye at me makes it sink in my head that she is really leaving and it isn't just a bad dream that I will wake up from.   "She is gone," I whisper to myself as the bus drives off. Now it's only me and nana, all responsibilities that Betty has been handling now await me.
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