Episode 28

1027 Words

"Good girl" I hear Carlo say as I zip up my suitcase. He strides to my drawers and rifles through them searching for a pen and a piece of paper, while doing that he throws to the floor anything else that he comes across. "Carlo, we are not supposed to leave a mess or do anything that will make Trya's disappearance look suspicious," Frankie warns. Carlo darts his eyes to the mess he has created on the floor then his gaze shifts to me. "Be a good girl and pick up this s**t," he barks. I've seen enough to conclude that Carlo is a jerk and a bully. He seems to find pleasure and pride in making other people feel small. I better not piss him off by being stubborn, I bend down and pick up the items and place them back in the drawer. He hands me the pen and paper, "What am I supposed to w

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