Same Old Thing

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They ran Alexandre through much the same process from what I heard from the other side of the door.  We were held for hours for questioning, alone and together, with various officers, everybody hoping to trip us up.  We stayed true to our stories.  Rhonda came back later in the day as we were seated together in an interrogation room.  I was yawning, leaning against Alexandre when she walked in. "How's your hand?"  Rhonda asked me, all traces of the gossipy, chatty woman gone.  I stiffened and eyed her warily. "Fine," I replied, not looking at it, but straightening in my chair regardless. "The cops here are quite upset that you cracked their mirror.  They thought about charging your boyfriend here for repairs."  Rhonda gestured at Alexandre.  I blushed slightly, gritting my teeth.  Alexandre gripped my knee under the table. "And you,"  She turned to Alexandre  "You don't look it, but that's quite a punch you have.  You're lucky you're not being arrested for assaulting an officer, or was it three?"  I swiftly glanced at him.  He shook his head slightly, the movement may not have even been perceptible to Rhonda. "But it seems wealth still buys you privileges in this country, doesn't it?  And considering the circumstances, everyone's trying to be a little more...understanding, but don't think this incident has been forgotten, or forgiven.  You've just made these guys a little angrier at you, and that's never good."  Rhonda sat back in her chair. "These guys..."  Alexandre observed  "You sound like you don't belong to this precinct?" "Oh heavens no!"  She laughed.  "I'm part of the federal group that's hunting our 'Nurse' girl.  No offense to the two of you, but I didn't expect an ID from you, even if you did recognize her.  So we're still planning on exploring our person of interest, just in case you had any ideas of going after her yourselves."  She eyeballed us carefully.  I kept my expression calm, but Alexandre squeezed my knee again. "Well, on my end, I don't have any further questions.  For now.  I just wanted to come in and have a little chat while they arrange your transport.  I understand your car was found extensively damaged outside a pawn shop just beyond the town in which you live Mr. Rivers."  Rhonda's sharp gaze fell on Alexandre.  Alexandre allowed his expression to appear shocked. "I was unaware that that had happened."  He replied  "Should I file a police report while I'm here?"  Rhonda shook her head. "You'll need to contact the local authorities for that.  Were you aware the pawn shop, which we understand you frequent, is owned by members associated with several crime rings?"  She asked sharply, arms crossed.  Alexandre's expression remained shocked. "Oh dear!  Ma'am, I assure you, I had no idea.  I tend to appreciate eccentric and antique items...and sometimes shop like that one have a selection of things people have sold off, you know from grandmother's attic or such."  He waved a hand.  "So I like to stop in to peruse or occasionally purchase.  That particular store just happens to be the closest one to my home at the current time, or at least the closest one I'm currently familiar with."  Alexandre stated. "Uh-huh.  Is there a reason your car might have been at that pawn shop without you, Mr. Rivers?"  Rhonda asked. "Oh no, not at all!  I was there with the car, it's just that I had a slight, accident, and had to get a ride home.  I'm afraid I had a bit to drink and don't remember the fine fellow who offered me the ride now, it was somewhere along that road, I remember he stopped and offered me a ride.  I believe I was stupidly trying to walk home at the time.  I'm sure I could look into it if you'd like..."  Alexandre offered.  I blinked.  The lie bordered on the truth, enough that it almost sounded convincing to me, but Rhonda looked at him skeptically. "Uh-huh.  I may check back with you on that.  In the meantime, if I were you, I'd file that police report if you want your insurance to cover that rather pricey car."  She glared.  I was beginning to feel like Rhonda was going to be a problem for us.  Alexandre's jaw tightened and he leaned forward, just as the door burst open.  A man's gruff voice announced "They're ready."  I saw Alexandre's jaw work as Rhonda nodded to us. "You're free to go."  She dismissed us, and Alexandre rose, left hand clenched so tight his knuckles were bone white, but offering me his other hand tenderly.  On the way out I glanced at Alexandre cautiously.  His jaw was still clenched, so I bumped him with a hip. "You alright?"  I asked in an undertone. "I was hoping to convince her that we weren't of any interest, but we were interrupted and I didn't want to try to work with too many people at once if she was difficult."  He grumbled under his breath. "Yeah, I'm not too sure it would have worked on her, she seemed...sneaky."  I replied.  Alexandre let out a harsh laugh. "You're probably right."  He replied, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as we passed a cop with a fresh black eye.  I winced. "Are you sure there's not going to be trouble for that?"  I fretted, and Alexandre glanced at the cop quickly. "You assume that damage was caused by me."  He chided. "Well, wasn't it?"  I asked as we got on the elevator, rolling my eyes. "Yes."  He sighed quietly.  We took the short trip up in silence, and he waited until he could put some space between the cop leading us out of the building and us before he continued.  "Unfortunately 'Rhonda' is right, wealth does have its privileges.  A rather sizable donation to this precinct for any damages, compensation and medical care plus a little extra on top to soothe the conscious of those hard won has ensure our freedom.  This time.  I wouldn't make a habit of it, disappearing gets harder and harder this days.  Blasted cameras everywhere."  Alexandre griped.  He abruptly tapped the bridge of my nose with his finger. "Glasses.  We're almost at the door, and if my senses are leading me right, it's going to be bright."  He told me briefly and placed his own pair on his nose.  I pulled mine from my jacket pocket and did the same as the cop swung the outer door open and the light hit me full in the face like it was trying to gouge out my eyes.  I let out a light yip of surprise and raised a hand in front of my face. "Yeah sorry about that.  It can be a bit disorienting if you're not used to it.  Especially if you've been down there a while, it's so goddamn dark.  We've already put your stuff in the car, it's this way."  He led us towards two plain clothes policemen beside an unmarked car.  One happy looking young guy held out his hand. "Straight through here, no stops, one way passage.  Have your tickets available before you board"  He said with a grin.  "Naw I'm joking with you.  I'm Jeff.  This here's Rob.  Really his name's Robert, but I call him Rob because it annoys him.  Right Rob?" "My name is Bert, not Rob, not Robert, BERT, you goddamn idiot."  Grumbled Bert. "See what I mean?"  grinned Jeff.  I felt my moth twitch into a slight smile and Jeff took that as encouragement.  "And this here hunk'a'junk will be your golden chariot.  Except it isn't gold, it's tan, and it doesn't go over 60.  No wait, that's just Rob."  I heard Bert grumble again and I bit my lower lip.  Jeff winked at me and threw open the door. "After you M'Lady.  If you were to require any rest stops, beverages, food, heating cooling, or other accommodations, just let it be known.  I try to be a full service employee."  Jeff bowed extravagantly and wiggled his eyebrows.  "That goes for you too good sir!"  He said looking Alexandre up and down.  I peeked at Alexandre, hiding a smile.  He was frowning noticeably.  Shocked, I tugged on his arm, sliding into the car, pulling him after me. "What's the matter?  Are you ok?  Is it your injury?"  I whispered urgently, however Alexandre's attention was riveted on Jeff.  I gasped.  "Oh my God you're jealous!"  Alexandre's head snapped around and I giggled. "I'm not..  I mean..."  Aleaxandre sputtered then paused.  Bert and Jeff were exchanging words with the cop who had led us out of the building.  Alexandre growled softly in frustration and looked helplessly between me and Jeff.  He took my face in his hands and kissed me until I was breathless and my heartbeat was racing wild. "Just so long as you remember you're mine."  He growled against my lips.  "You can have your little playthings, but you belong to me."  He caught my lower lip between his teeth briefly and I heard Bert and Jeff get in the car while Alexandre pulled away. "Wowweee  Rob-Bert, looks like we interrupted a steamy moment there.  Don't let us stop you."  Jeff exclaimed, looking over the seat back at us.  I blushed and Jeff grinned at me again.  "You have a mighty cute blush miss."  He commented.  I ducked my head and peeked at Alexandre out of the corner of my eye as I felt his hand land on my thigh possessively.  I was at once thrilled and a little terrified by his behavior.  Jeff eyeballed Alexandre's hand which slid upwards a few inches in answer.  I inhaled sharply and grabbed his fingers to prevent further exploration.  Jeff laughed and turned around in his seat as Bert pulled the car out onto the road.  Alexandre growled under his breath and pulled me into his arms, being sure we were in Jeff's eye-line if he were to look into the rear-view mirror.  I rolled my eyes. "Man baby."  I mumbled.  Alexandre leaned next to my ear and kissed my neck. "I heard that."  He whispered.  "I may have to make sure I prove how wrong you are later."  He gently bit the place over my pulse and I let out an involuntary mewl, and embarrassed, smacked him over my shoulder. "Stop that, that's rude."  I hissed.  He chuckled. "You're so easy Carys  I cannot wait until you give in to me.  I promise it will be worth our wait."  He seductively murmured against my neck, his breath tickling the flesh there.  I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling.  He kissed me under my ear and I found myself moving my head away to grant him easier access, which he gladly took, grazing his teeth along my neck, making me shiver.  When I next opened my eyes, it was to gaze directly into Jeff's in the rear view mirror.  Embarrassed, I looked away, blushing fiercely again.  I looked out the window to distract myself, watching the trees and buildings go by as the clouds floated stagnantly above us. Having finally started to adjust to the vampire lifestyle, it wasn't long before I began yawning uncontrollably.  It was very late for me to be 'out of bed'.  Alexandre tenderly lowered my head to his chest and stroked my hair, telling me to sleep if I could.  Wrapped in his warm embrace and soothing scent, I was gone in two slow heartbeats. --------------------------- AN: Alexandre is so much fun to write sometimes. His jealous side is kind of hilarious.  I'm trying to show both aspects of his personality as something similar to this: his vampire side would give him a more animalistic nature, so he would be possessive, territorial even, and I know that sounds horrible to apply that in this situation, because it would apply to Carys in this instance. This side is protective of Carys, violently so if necessary, and very much wants to make other males 'back off' because she is his. But that side is constantly at war with his human side, the side that is always trying to be gentle and understanding with Carys, the softer side of him so to speak, the side that has aged with grace and learned and matured over time. This side also wants to protect her, but in a different way, he wants her to be able to protect herself, and if that means she grows to no longer need him...well so be it. I hope that this comes across right. I don't want Alexandre to seem like a monster necessarily, he's just driven by different instincts, as is Carys. She'll figure that out a little later.
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