Consent RMA

1663 Words
PLEASE BE ADVISED THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS MATURE THEMES Alexandre was infinitely gentle with me.  Each stage making sure I was ok with the process still.  He removed my shirt with reverence, sliding his hands gently down my torso like a man discovering water for the first time.  My face flushed hard as he brought his lips to the flesh, pausing with his fingers at my bra to look at me with an unspoken question.  I nodded, and the bra quickly disappeared.  He placed my hands on his torso, letting me explore as well, and my fingers again found the scar on his hip.  I paused. "Are you sure you're ok enough for this?"  I asked with worry, but he shut me up with his lips.  He traced kisses down my torso, making me arch against his lips.  He paused again at my waistband, and with a light growl, I kicked the shorts off myself, much to Alexandre's amusement.  He chuckled and the wolf look returned to his eyes, but I could see him restraining himself.  He ran a feather-light touch up my leg, pausing at my inner thigh and my breathing stopped. "Breathe Carys."  He chuckled lightly and ran his hand up to the waistband of my underwear.  I couldn't stand his teasing anymore and reached to pull him to me myself, but with a gentle shove, he pushed me back to the bed and hooked the underwear off in one smooth motion, causing me to blush fiercely and squirm at the same time.  Alexandre grinned slightly and was instantly back to caressing and teasing the newly exposed skin with his mouth. He even asked my consent before removing his own pants and underwear in one quick flash, and checked to be sure once again that I was still ok with it before we went any further.  He remained sweet and gentle with me even as I sunk my nails into his skin, and when he kissed my neck again I grabbed his head, and as he had done mine, drove his teeth into my flesh, gasping with the mix of pain and pleasure.  Alexandre groaned and I lost myself in the sensations as he brought our bodies together. I found myself dozing off in Alexandre's flushed arms as he kissed away the blood from the wound as it closed.  He held me even more tightly against him than usual, as if afraid I might try to escape.  I could feel his warm flesh pressed up against the length of my body and was still blushing from the fact that I had just had s*x with Alexandre, and that I was really tempted to ask him to do it again.  I heard his breathing slow, so I stilled, deciding it was best to let him sleep.  I waited until his breathing was deep and steady to adjust my position slightly, and his arm tightened around my waist immediately.  I ran my hand down his arm, resting mine along his, clutching his fingers in my own.  Alexandre sighed contentedly, and I kind of liked the sound and decided I wanted to hear it more often. "What are you thinking?"  Alexandre asked me quietly. "Stupid things."  I replied.  Alexandre stiffened. "Are you hurt?  Is there something wrong?"  He sounded anguished and I rolled over to face him, taking his face in my hands and kissed him lightly. "No.  I was thinking I was happy, maybe for the first time ever, and I wanted to stay that way."  I kissed him again and he relaxed and then his face became ecstatic as if he suddenly registered what I said.  He pulled me to him in a tight embrace. "Does this mean you've decided to stay with me for a while?"  He questioned petulantly and I laughed. "Normally, I would accuse you of trying to manipulate me, but honestly Alexandre, at this moment, I'm not sure I could let you out of my life either."  I responded, snuggling into his chest.  He stroked my hair and hummed happily. "Sadly though, I think there are a few things both of us need to do today.  You have a car insurance claim to start.  And I have a killer to find."  I growled the end of my statement through clenched teeth.  Alexandre refused to budge. "I was thinking of staying like this forever."  He replied, gripping me tightly. "But then we'll begin to wither and die."  I pointed out.  He shrugged. "That's ok, if I do it with you."  He answered.  I rolled my eyes.  "Or I could ask for your consent again."  I looked at him and his eyes twinkled mischievously.  I swallowed hard, the temptation causing my body to react almost immediately, a fact I know Alexandre could sense by the way his smile turned wolfish again.  He placed a kiss on my throat and I groaned, holding him back and wiggling out of his embrace.  He let me go begrudgingly, but still watched appreciatively as I got dressed. "Carys."  He said softly and I turned.  "We don't even know where to look." "I know, but I have to do something."  I replied and left the room. Alexandre had provided me with a custom built computer, that he'd had installed in my room.  It operated much more quickly than anything I'd ever seen before, sadly it was the user that had no idea what to look for.  I sat staring blankly at the screen, unsure where to begin.  Pulling up a search engine, I tapped my fingers on the desk one after another in a steady pattern. 'The Nurse' I finally typed into the search engine.  A crazy amount of  results came up including some entertainment references.  'The Nurse serial killer' I tried, and then the news articles popped to the top, along with some horror stories and 'angel of death' type killers.  I watched a few videos and was reading an article when Alexandre walked in with a folder in his hands containing a small stack of papers.  He stepped up behind me quietly and brushed his fingers across my neck, moving the hair aside as he did so, then dropped the file on the desk. "This is everything I've managed to put together on her so far.  I really wish you wouldn't try to do this on your own.  Perhaps when you're finished reading you'll come discuss your ideas with me?"  He suggested softly and formally.  There seemed to be a sudden distance between us that I hoped I hadn't put there.  I stood up quickly as he turned to leave. "Alexandre wait...I..Thank you...I..."  I rushed into his arms and held him tightly, hoping to restore the warmth from before.  "I hope I didn't hurt you earlier, it's just...she wasn't there and I need to know..I need to do something.  I'm sorry."  Alexandre lifted my chin and kissed me gently. "I just wish you'd trust me more Carys."  He said sadly, leaning his forehead against mine.  I felt tears appear in my eyes and I blinked furiously.  Alexandre left the room silently and I sat at the desk, pulling my legs to my chest and wrapping my arms around them.  Was I pushing away the only person who I had ever truly loved?  My breath hitched and I battled the tears back, trying to distract myself with the folder.  Every few seconds, the tears would block my view again, so I gave up, rising from the chair and making my way to Alexandre's office, or 'study' as he liked to call it.  He was sitting behind his desk with his head in his hands. "Alexandre?  Can we go for a walk?"  I called softly from the doorway.  At the sound of my voice his head jerked up like he hand't expected me, which was unusual for him; he was always so aware of his surroundings.  He blinked, but nodded, standing abruptly, which knocked his chair over.  He glanced at it briefly, perturbed, and then walked around it without righting it, offering his arm to me as he approached. "Where would you like to go?"  He asked quietly as I took his arm. "How about your garden?  I seem to remember a gazebo somewhere out there...Might make a nice place for a chat."  I suggested.  He smiled slightly and nodded, leading the way down the hall. "What's going on with us Carys?"  Alexandre asked quietly, opening the ornate doors that led out onto the balcony, where the late afternoon sun was already hidden by the trees. "Our first fight."  I sighed, and Alexandre chuckled.  We walked down the stairs and onto the garden path in silence.  Alexandre drew me closer to him. "Well I don't like it."  He murmured against my temple. "Me neither.  And I'm sorry I don't seem...that I have issues, with trust.  I'm trying really hard."  I answered him.  He nodded and leaned his forehead against my temple briefly.  We passed the koi pond. "Oh I forgot!  What kind of snacks can I feed these little guys?  I promised them treats the next time I saw them."  I frowned and Alexandre guffawed.  The sound of his laughter made my heart warm. "I'll buy a few things that you can try on them, see what they like best.  But not too much at once-don't kill my koi with kindness!"  He teased, nibbling my neck lightly.  I swatted him away but smiled happily anyway. "I still think you would make an excellent mother Carys."  Alexandre whispered against my ear, turning to face me, and kissing me slowly and deeply.  I panted slightly when he let me go and he grinned mischievously. "Don't get any wild ideas, boy."  I scolded and he pouted, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and capturing the fingers of my hand in his. "And why not?"  His voice dipped lower as he pulled me along.  "Make-up s*x is the best kind."  I bumped him with my hip and he laughed loudly again. "The main problem I'm having here though is-after all of that, everything we went through, the cops, the line up, the fear, the hassle..." " wasn't her."  We finished together.  The mood instantly sobered again.
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