Chapter 33: "So... s*x?"

1263 Words

MY KRUNG KRUNG BAE – Chapter 33 "So... s*x?"   JC Pacheco Everything around us seemed to have fallen into a complete stop. Aljon’s lashes seemed to move in slow motion as his eyes fluttered while staring back at me. His dark orbs were almost glistening and I could not stop looking. At him. Into him. My heart felt full, overwhelmed by emotions I could not put words into. Love? Longing? Happiness? I grabbed Aljon by the back of his neck and crashed our lips together. Perhaps I was too fast and too sudden that I thought I hurt him. I heard him moan. Pulling away, I uttered I’m sorry to which he tilted his head on me. “What?” he asked. “What for?” “I—” Aljon’s eyes fluttered multiple times before I felt both his arms reach for my head. Those warm hands touched and circled my neck as

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