Chapter 2: Meeting William

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Owen reappeared in his suit and tie, looking handsome and distinguished and every bit the hardened lawyer. In his hands, he held a wrapped jewelry box. “I have something for you." Tilting my head, I wagged a finger at him. “You didn't need to do that." He winked at me. “Of course I did. Besides, I don't remember any club bylaws that state a sub can't give his Domme a gift." I didn't bother arguing anymore. With the same excitement as a kid on Christmas morning, I tore into the package. When I cracked open the box, I sucked in a breath. “Owen, this is breathtaking." It was a gold bracelet heavy-laden with charms. The charms themselves were a mixture of the pictures of my favorite authors like Shakespeare, Poe, and Harper Lee. Then there were book-themed charms like quills, a raven, and a mockingbird, each decorated with Swarovski crystals. “Wherever did you find it?" “I had a jeweler friend of mine make it." It took me a few moments to find my voice. “I don't know what to say." “The expression on your face is thanks enough." I smiled. “This is one of the most thoughtful gifts anyone has ever given me." “You're welcome." With my free hand, I placed it on his cheek before leaning in to bestow a kiss on his lips. There was no spark or electricity at the touch—it was out of love but certainly not the romantic kind. People outside of the b**m community never realized the true depth of emotions that went into a scene or the deep affection that a Domme felt for her sub and vice versa. When I pulled away, Owen sighed with frustration. “No tongue?" I laughed while silently thanking him for lightening the moment. “Behave yourself." “Ah, but I do so like the threat of punishment," he countered with a mischievous glint in his eye. “I'll be sure to let Mistress Venus and Rain know to deprive you of harsh beatings." He frowned. “Now that's just cruel." “Then be a good boy." “I will. For you." He smiled as he motioned to the bracelet. “When you wear that, try to think of me from time to time." “Of course I will. How could I not think of the person who gave me such a beautiful, thoughtful gift?" Owen gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before heading to the dungeon door. I tried ignoring the tightening in my chest at his retreating form. I'd never meant to get attached to my clients. But it was almost impossible when you spent so much intimate time with them. I probably should have gone home to finish packing. I would be leaving the bright city lights and moving back to my farm on Monday. I'd taken a teaching job at the same high school where I'd graduated, and we started preplanning on Tuesday. It was overwhelming to think that in just ten short days I would be standing in front of my first group of students. But as I gazed around the dungeon, I realized I wasn't quite ready to leave 1740. Being an overly sentimental person, I felt the need to savor my last night a little longer. I wanted to head upstairs to the main floor and hang out with some of the staff. Considering how rigid my client schedule was during the week, I rarely had time to just sit and talk. I grabbed my purse and hurried out the door. I started down the long, mazelike hallway to the elevators. While 1740 was only two floors, the dungeon held ten private rooms that were outfitted for different types of play. A whiff of rubbing alcohol hit my nose as I passed the room dedicated to needle and blood play while the sound of a whirring machine could be heard from the medical room. Whatever kink you were interested in, you could most likely find it at 1740. After a quick ride, the elevator doors opened to the main floor. Since I had come up the staff elevator, I bypassed the reception area where membership cards were scanned. Because of the exclusive clientele, 1740 went to the extremes of security to protect its clients' identities. I waved to one of the bouncers as I walked into what I liked to call “the club." With a bar and massive dance floor, it resembled the inside of a regular club. There were also tables and couches where people could sit and talk, presumably about what they wanted to do downstairs in one of the private rooms. Beyond “the club" was where public scenes were enacted. Anyone could hang out and watch a flogging or rope suspension. I started making my way through the packed Friday night crowd. People were in all types of attire from fetish wear to jeans. Some gyrated on the dance floor while others stood around talking. My steps faltered as I did a double take at the sight of what appeared to be a shirtless and shoeless Henry Cavill standing before me. The idea wasn't entirely far-fetched since we'd had a few celebrities in the club. But as one of the strobe lights flickered to illuminate more of his face, I realized he was just a look-alike. His hair was lighter while his eyes were dark brown, rather than blue. He was impossibly tall, and I couldn't help staring at his muscular chest with its dusting of dark hair that led to an oh-so-happy trail that ended at the low hanging waistband of his jeans. He had an aura of importance about him, and I couldn't help wondering who he was in real life. He held my gaze for a moment before averting his eyes to the ground. “Good evening, Mistress." A submissive? I would have never imagined it in a million years. Even though I knew from my own clients that submissive men weren't simpering p*****s, there was something about this man that screamed dominant. Of course, the fact he was shoeless should have given his sub status away, but he wasn't wearing a collar. A prime piece of submissive man like this usually belonged to someone. And if he didn't, he would normally be snatched up by a Domme practically before he got through the door, least of all across the dance floor. I couldn't help wondering what his story was. More than anything, I wondered what it might be like to have a session with him. I so rarely took anyone on outside my usual clients. But it might be something fun for my last night in the club. To test his true submissiveness, I commanded, “Look at me." He jerked his gaze from my boots to meet mine. “Are you looking to play tonight?" “Yes, I am. And if it pleases you, Mistress, I would be honored if you chose me." His voice. Sweet Jesus, it was panty-melting. It totally went with his body—strong, firm, and deep. Although he had answered my question well, I still had my doubts. With all the strength I had, I reached out to firmly slap his cheek. The resounding smack echoed around us. A man playing at being a sub would have a distinct reaction. His eyes would darken with the rage seething within him at being treated so disrespectfully. Oh, but not him. His face remained impassive. Yet at the same time, he shuddered, and his dark eyes flashed with a combustive mix of lust and desire. His reaction caused moisture to pool between my thighs. He reminded me of our horses back on the farm. He was a spirited stallion who needed a firm hand to break him, and damn me to hell if I didn't want to be the one to do it. Wanting to build the anticipation, I patted his cheek where I had previously slapped him. “I'll think about it." “Yes, Mistress." He bowed his head before backing up. Damn, someone had truly trained him well. I stepped past him to head to the bar. My mouth had run dry, and I desperately needed a drink. “Hey there, sugar t**s," Lyle, the bartender, said with a grin. “If you were my sub, I'd spank your ass for speaking to me like that," I mused as I slid onto one of the stools. He winked. “The night shift bartender is about to come in. You can take me downstairs and show me what you're all about. You know, like a parting gift for you." I laughed. “You sub for the other team. " Lyle shrugged. “It might be interesting to see the difference between a Domme and a dom." “Considering I don't have a d**k, I think you'd be pretty disappointed." When he opened his mouth to argue, I shook my head. “And don't suggest a strap-on because I don't do that." “You don't know what you're missing," Mistress Venus said as she joined us. “But why do I bother explaining it to you since you're only a professional Domme? You leave all the excitement here and go home to your vanilla world." She grinned. “Hell, you probably do it missionary style through a sheet." “Very funny. I'll have you know I've never been and never will be a totally vanilla girl. I like some good kink." Venus rolled her eyes. “The mainstream kink—some handcuffs, whipped cream, maybe some spanking." “Speaking of spanking ass, that's a fine piece you had your eye on earlier," Lyle said. I didn't have to look over my shoulder to know that the sub's eyes were on me. The heat of his stare singed the exposed skin on my back. “I thought about doing a scene with him—kind of a 'one for the road' kinda thing. But I'm not so sure. Regardless of the pretty package, there must be something wrong with him, or he would have already been snatched up." “You don't know who that is?" Venus inquired. I shook my head as I took another sip of cranberry juice. “He must be a weekend-only guy." “Oh, girl, that's William. He's been a member for about a year. At first, he played with a few different Mistresses, but then he and Calla got together." I wrinkled my nose with disgust. “Such good looks but obviously no taste in Mistresses." Lyle laughed. “After all these years is she still giving you attitude?" “I'd call it more catitude since she's a catty bitch." While I hadn't gone into the club looking to make friends, I'd found most of the Dommes to be welcoming and friendly. All but Calla. She was still relatively new when I'd started, and after I began to be sought after by weekly clients, she began to go out of her way to give me s**t. Normally, I would have told her off, but she was a friend of the owner, so I had to bite my tongue. Thankfully, she worked the weekends and a few odd nights during the week, so I didn't have to see her. Venus tapped her metallic black nails on the counter. “I feel sorry for William. Calla's put the word out to leave him off-limits." “Why would she do that?" I questioned. “Apparently she wanted a D/s relationship with him outside the club, and he wasn't interested. So she's trying to drive him away by not having anyone for him to play with." “Man, she's a cunt," I muttered. "You can say that again. Considering how tight she is with Robert, no one on staff is going to give him the time of day. His only hope is finding a lifestyle Domme willing to play tonight." Glancing over my shoulder, I eyed William again. A foreign feeling coiled tight in my lower belly—one I hadn't felt in a long, long time. Lust. I'd never once wanted to voluntarily play with a sub. It had always been about the job…about the money. But he'd already piqued my interest five minutes ago. Now after hearing his plight, I really wanted to play with him. In some ways, I felt like I needed to sow some wild oats before I left 1740 and went into the world of education. Lyle's eyes widened. “Oh, girl, you get that idea out of your head right now." “What?" I innocently asked. “You're thinking about playing with him, aren't you?" “Maybe." “You're wanting to go out with a bang, huh?" Lyle questioned. “After tonight, I'm done with 1740. In turn, that means I'm done with Robert. I mean, it's not like I could ever ask him to fill out a reference for me." I once again threw William a glance. “Why not have a little fun before I go?" “Calla comes in an hour." I c****d my brows at Lyle. “So?" He shook his head. “I'm just glad my ass will be outta here before the fur starts to fly." “I'll make sure to lock the dungeon door." Venus sighed. “Come on, Lyle. Look at how pitiful he is with no one to play with. It's really like a mercy fuck." He snorted. “Don't encourage her." “Like I could stop her if I tried," Venus argued. “Good point," I replied. I downed the rest of my cranberry juice. Then I hopped down off my stool. “See you guys later." “Have fun. I want all the details," Venus said. “Oh, I'll be sure to fill you in." Lyle shook his head. “She can probably catch it on the eleven o'clock news after all hell breaks loose." I merely laughed at Lyle's statement. With a bounce in my step, I made my way over to where William was standing. “Hey, subbie." He lowered his gaze. “Hello again, Mistress." “I've given it some thought, and I think I would like to play with you tonight." Before he could think better of it, he yanked his head up. “You do?" “You act so surprised." “I'm getting the impression that I'm suddenly persona non grata around here." “You're right. Your former Mistress has put the word out, and she has a lot of pull within the club." William's dark eyes widened. “Then why would you want to play with me?" “Because I like a challenge. And I like to piss people off." The corners of his lips turned up in a half smile. “I see." “I'm Mistress Juliette." “William." Motioning to the bar, he asked, “Shall I get you something to drink?" “My, my, so formal. Did your last cunt of a Mistress expect that from you?" William once again fought a smile. “No, ma'am. You can blame it on my upbringing." “No need to blame anyone. I happen to like it. An educated-sounding man turns me on." What the hell? Did I actually just say that? “I'm glad I please you." William's dark eyes penetrated into mine. They were so brown they were almost black. On another man, they might have been considered soulless because of their darkness. But on him, they pooled with a variety of emotion—pleasure, kindness, desire, empathy, and affection. They were the kind of eyes you could lose yourself in. I gave a quick shake of my head. “Now, about that drink." “Yes, Mistress." Both staff and members were only allowed one alcoholic beverage. It was hard to be safe, sane, and consensual if you were blitzed. I handed him my staff card to scan the drink. “I'll take a vodka and cranberry. And you're welcome to get what you want as well." “I'll be right back." I eased down on the plush cushions of the sofa to await William's return. I tapped my foot on the floor as anticipation pricked along my skin. Was this what lifestyle Dommes felt like when interacting with a new sub? It was all the anxiousness of a casual date coupled with a hyper s****l awareness. William returned with my drink and a beer for himself. “Interesting choice," I mused. “Why do you say that?" “I would've imagined you with something…classier. Like white wine or a fine liquor." A chuckle rumbled from William's broad chest. “Do forgive me, Mistress, but I think if I ordered that I'd be a pretentious prick." “There's nothing pretentious about you." Feeling extremely bold and uninhibited, my hand dropped to his lap. At my squeeze, he inhaled a sharp breath. “I've always thought the word 'prick' rendered itself to small, and you certainly don't have a prick." “What do I have, Mistress?" “A cock." “That's good to know." I took my hand away, noting William's frustrated sigh. “What do you like when you play?" “I like being controlled." I smiled. “That's good because I like to tell men what to do." “I also like pain." “I didn't ask you that, but thanks for volunteering that information." “My apologies, Mistress. I seem to be speaking more freely around you than I should." “And I'm allowing you to more than I should." Tapping my toe on the floor, I said, “Hmm, so I have another masochist. I just worked one over an hour ago." “I don't always have to have pain to get off. It just heightens everything for me. It's like the difference in jerking off compared to coming inside a tight pussy." His analogy had my mouth once again running dry. After taking a long gulp of my drink, I asked, “Is CBT your thing, too?" William grimaced slightly. “Not exactly." “What exactly don't you like about it?" “Well, to be frank, I happen to like my d**k, so I don't like it being tortured." Although I normally wouldn't have allowed so much chatter with a sub, I was so intrigued by everything William had to say that I allowed it. “Interesting. I would assume you liked that fine body of yours, yet you don't mind it being beaten." Amusement lit up William's eyes. “Bruises and cuts can heal, but I'm not sure about a broken dick." I laughed heartily at his remark. “You men are all the same. If it came down to having to choose to live without your d**k or die, I think ninety-nine percent would choose death." “I plead the fifth on that one." He took a swig of beer. “As for my balls, I would like to have children one day, and I'm not sure how plausible that would be once you've had them repeatedly tied up." “That's a very valid point. So for you, it's just being bossed around with some pain." “Yes, Mistress." “Any hard limits?" “Anal play and humiliation." “For some reason that doesn't surprise me." “Why is that, Mistress?" “When I first saw you, I thought you were a dominant playing at being a sub. We get some of those here. They like to come in and screw around by trying to top from the bottom. It's a waste of everyone's time. It's one thing to be a switch when the scene has been agreed on." I sighed. “But it was a stupid assumption—one that after all my years and experiences in the scene, I should never have made." “You thought that because of the way I look?" “No, it wasn't just about the fact you're built like a brick shithouse. It was also about the way you carried yourself." He grimaced. “The last few weeks have been crazy at work. I just received a transfer, so there's all this new s**t to learn. I guess I hadn't completely left my work side behind and got into the sub zone." I bit back a smile at the way he liked to ramble. I could tell he was the kind of personable guy who never met a stranger and was open and honest with every facet in his life. It was endearing. “Before we go downstairs, what's your safe word?" “Heisman." “After the trophy?" William's brows popped in surprise. “Are you a football fan?" “No, but my little brother is. Well, I guess I shouldn't say 'little' brother since he's seventeen and six three. He's the quarterback at his high school." “That was my position back in the day." I pursed my lips at him. “Ah, I should have pegged you for a former football player." He winked. “Pegging is a hard limit." “A sub who likes to tease. I'm pretty sure that's a Domme's job." “I look forward to your teasing." “And I look forward to putting you in your place." Oh yes, I was really looking forward to putting him in his place. I couldn't remember the last time I'd had such a cute, intelligent, and funny sub to play with. This was really going to be fun. After rising off the couch, I crooked my finger at William. “Let's go."
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