Chapter 3

595 Words

“He likes you,” Jen announces once he leaves. I watch him walk away—there’s a certain lope in his hips that turns me on. Toying with the straw in my soda, I wait until he disappears into the kitchen before I say, “He’s probably married or seeing someone. They always are.” “No wedding ring.” Leave it to her to be looking. “And if he’s got a girlfriend, then honey, my gaydar is way off tonight.” I laugh at that. She’s a self-proclaimed fag hag—all the guys she knows are gay, and sometimes she even jokes that Greg must go both ways because he’s with her, isn’t he? So he has to have homosexual tendencies. She thinks it’s something in her genes that makes her attractive to gay men. I tell her it’s her bubbly personality and the fact that she’s fun to be around—that’s why I like her.

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