-2- | Lust in Translation

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-2- Lust in Translation –––––––– “This had better be good, Noor.” Julie slammed her purse down on the 1950s tabletop, then stood beside the bench seat, arms crossed, toe tapping. “Well? I don’t have all day.” “Sit down.” Noor tried to be inviting, but he wondered if that came out sounding too much like an instruction. “Sorry, I mean please sit down. If you want.” With a sigh, Julie swept onto the red vinyl bench. “This had better be good.” “Oh it is, it is!” Noor pulled his new invention out of the box. “I’ve been working on it ever since you dumped me.” Julie glared across the table. “You asked me here to look at some stupid invention?” “Yes, but... but I invented it for you.” As usual, he couldn’t pick the appropriate words out of his muddled mind. Everything was so clear when he was designing plans or performing calculations, but when it came to Julie, he never knew what to say. “Please, let me show you what it does. I know you’ll like it.” “Why?” she spat, though there was a definite spark of curiosity in her eye. “What is it?” “I made it for you. For us, actually.” Noor turned on the power and gave his device a moment to warm up. “But what is it?” “Oh, sorry.” Noor fiddled with the sliders. “Right, well actually it’s a geek-to-freak translator.” Julie tossed her head back and laughed. “Leave it to a trans guy to invent a trans-lator!” “Yeah, that’s what everyone at the store said.” Noor felt a blush coming on. “I made it afterhours with parts from old computers and tube televisions. Let me show you how it works.” Rolling her eyes, Julie said, “You’re such a nerd.” “Thank you.” He pulled the microphone close and explained the translator’s intricacies. When Noor had finished his extensive diatribe, the device kicked in. In a staggered robot voice, it said, “Julie, I’ve missed you more than you could ever imagine. I built this machine to breach the gap between us. Please say you still love me.” Julie sighed. “Noor, it isn’t a matter of loving you or not loving you. I mean, of course I do, but that doesn’t mean we’re good for each other.” The translator beeped as it worked over her words and then said, “Noor, please tell me more about your machine.” Julie rolled her eyes, but laughed. “It took me three months to plan and build,” Noor replied. “I spent every spare moment working on it.” He told her in great detail about every failed attempt, every false start, and how he finally overcame all those disasters to produce the invention before them. The machine whirred for a moment, which made Noor nervous. Not another breakdown, not in front of Julie! “You were more than just a girlfriend to me,” the translator said. “When we first met, I was a geek boi and you loved me for my mind. You stuck by me when I realized I was trans. Even as a die-hard lesbian, you supported my male identity and you helped me understand myself better. Nobody in this world could ever take your place.” With tears in her eyes, Julie reached across the table and held Noor’s hands. “I love you, sweetheart.” The translator said, “I need you.” Julie blushed. “Yeah, maybe I do.” The translator said, “You look damn sexy today.” Julie laughed. “You’re making it say these things.” The translator said, “Let’s go back to my place for some hot monkey love.” When Julie cracked up, Noor brought her hands to his face and held them against his cheeks. She gasped and said, “You’ve got stubble.” The translator said, “That scares me a bit.” “Yeah, the T’s really kicking in,” Noor told her. “I’m shaving once a week. Not bad, huh?” The translator said, “This testosterone is making me horny as hell.” Noor felt his eyes bug out while Julie chuckled. “These pretzels are making me thirsty.” The translator said, “I use Seinfeld references to mask my discomfort.” The air between them got so thick Noor could hardly breathe, especially when he looked his beautiful ex-girlfriend in the eye. Soon to be un-ex, hopefully. Julie wasn’t the kind of gorgeous that found its way onto magazine covers or runways. She had a big curvy body and chubby baby cheeks. Her hair was naturally dark brown, but she dyed it the kind of black that had a purple shimmer. Most of her clothes were homemade. She either bought fabric and sewed from scratch, or picked up thrift store dresses and altered them into one-of-a-kind creations. No matter how she got there, she always looked amazing. “So...” Noor’s heart pounded in his ears. “Did you want to share some chili fries?” The translator said, “I really like your dress. You’ve got talent.” “Aww, thanks.” Julie smiled ear to ear. “I never thought you noticed my clothes.” The translator said, “I make them to impress you.” Julie’s neck blazed as red as her cheeks. She’d been caught out. They both had. If only they’d been able to communicate like this before, they’d probably never have broken up. Noor held Julie’s hands tight. He was throbbing between the legs, and he tightened the muscles in his thighs, shifting left and right to try to relieve some of that tension. Why couldn’t he just ask? The best he could come up with was, “Julie, I... would you...?” The translator said, “Let’s get out of here, gorgeous. Just looking at your lips makes me ache.” Julie gulped. “Okay.” The translator said, “Hurry up!” Reluctantly, Noor switched it off. It whirred for a moment, then fell silent. “I guess I’m on my own now.” “No you’re not.” Julie grabbed her bag. “You’ve got me.” Noor’s heart pounded in as he packed away his brilliant contraption. It would be so easy to let it all fall away. Too easy. His hands shook, jostling the translator. He closed the box. Julie chatted the whole way to her apartment, but Noor’s mind kept wandering toward everything that could go wrong. What if her roommate was home? What if she suddenly came to her senses? What if her living room sprouted a vortex that sucked in her cat and they had to rescue it before they could get down to business? Noor breathed a sigh of relief when they arrived at Julie’s apartment. Her cat was there, her roommate was not. No vortex, either. “To be honest, I thought you’d text me sooner.” Julie unzipped her dress and stepped out of it en route to her bedroom. “Then I got all angry because I figured you didn’t care.” “Really?” Noor set the box with his translator on the floor and followed Julie into her room. “You said you never wanted to speak to me again.” “Oh, that’s just what you say when you’re breaking up with someone.” Julie posed like a pin-up girl in her black bra and panties. “Well? What do you think? I bought them special, just for today.” Noor closed the door and pressed his back to it. “You mean you knew before we got together that you’d bring me home with you?” Julie’s eyes widened like she’d been caught in a lie. “Why couldn’t you have just said, ‘Wow, Julie, you look so hot in that expensive lingerie. Makes me want to come just looking at you.’ Why do you have to be so... ugh!” They always seemed to stumble into this kind of argument. “Should I grab the translator?” “No!” Julie fell back into her big pile of pillows and let out a growl. “You drive me crazy.” “Sorry.” Noor stared at her big breasts as they heaved. What would she do if he crept up the bed, tugged her t**s out of those big black cups, and just sucked the hell out of them? The translator would tell him to go for it. Climbing up Julie’s sky-high bed, Noor yanked down the front of her bra and wrapped his lips around her pretty pink n****e. She gasped, but she didn’t ask him to stop, so he didn’t. Her skin tasted like vanilla cupcakes. “Are you packing?” Julie asked, tracing her hand down his belly, tugging on his belt. Even the slightest touch made him throb. “I always pack now.” He shifted so she could feel the silicon c**k inside his pants. “Sometimes I wear it to bed and I make a wish as I’m falling asleep.” Julie fondled Noor’s soft d**k, pressing it against his aching clit. “What do you wish?” “I wish...” Noor circled his hips, grinding against his packer, desperate to get off. “I wish that when I wake up in the morning it’ll be real.” “A real c**k?” Julie squeezed the fake one as Noor wrapped his lips around her untouched tit. “Imagine how hard it would get when I touched it. A real c**k! I could take it in my fist, pump it up and down.” “Mmm-hmm!” Noor didn’t release Julie’s n****e, not for a second. “Imagine what it would feel like to come in my hand.” The groan that emerged from Noor’s throat made Julie giggle. He tried to feel the pressure her hand exerted on his packer, tried to become one with the silicone. He definitely felt the slick c**k mashing his clit. Oh, the throbbing ache of it was indescribable. “God, I’ve missed this,” Julie panted. Noor nodded against her oceanic breast. Her t**s were so vast they were like their own territory. He swept his cheek across her n*****s, catching those fine buds between his teeth and biting gently. She squealed and squeezed his c**k tighter. Noor was so goddamn horny, he started rubbing against the base of the packer. He’d bought special briefs to hold it in place, so he wouldn’t have to wear a harness anymore, and he loved the way those tight shorts hugged his ass and thighs. There was so much he wanted to say to her, so much he’d discovered about himself in her absence, but his mouth was a little busy, so didn’t say anything, just stroked off on his packer. “Oh God, you’re gonna come in my hand,” Julie whispered. “You’re gonna f**k my hand so hard you’ll cream my wrist, get my fingers sticky. There’ll be c*m everywhere.” The visuals she planted in his mind worked like magic. Noor could see himself growing hard and thick, bucking into her fist, f*****g her fingers. Oh, wow... yeah, he was going to come, come all over her hand. He scoured his fat clit all over the back of his packer, feeling huge and hard and so f*****g powerful nothing could stop him. Ever. His legs trembled. Releasing Julie’s n****e, he straightened out on the bed until his body was rigid as a tree trunk. Every bit of energy streaked into Noor’s clit, his “little c**k,” as Julie called it. It didn’t feel so little today—that was for damn sure. The craving for p***y came over Noor even as his o****m rumbled through his pelvis. His bones were still rattling when he climbed down Julie’s curves and tore off her black mesh panties. She’d trimmed her hair neatly, so she must have been expecting him to see it, or at least hoping he would. Who’d have thought Julie would spend their time apart lusting after him, especially after she’d said she never wanted to see him again? Just because Noor had been raised a girl didn’t mean he understood women. He didn’t. Not for a second. “You’re gonna eat my p***y?” Julie panted, pressing her t**s together. God, Noor wanted to slam his face in that mass of flesh, but the sweet musk of Julie’s p***y beckoned. Spreading Julie’s thighs, Noor dove between them and inhaled like his life depended on it. The scent of her p***y put him over an edge he hadn’t even felt himself approaching. He knew she liked him to start slow and work up to the rough stuff, but he couldn’t hold back, not after three months apart, not after three months’ worth of testosterone coursing through his veins. Noor planted his face in Julie’s crotch. Smashing his closed lips against her clit, he shook his head side to side, making her shriek. “Oh my God, your stubble!” “You can really feel it?” he asked. “Yes, I can feel it!” Her eyes were wide, dark and aroused, but Noor’s gaze kept falling to her bare breasts. “It’s prickly. Kind of hurts a bit.” Noor kissed her clit. “Is that better?” Laughing, Julie pressed the bottom of her foot to the back of his head and forced it against her p***y. “Back to work, kiddo.” Her p***y blazed against his chin, and that pure heat ramped his arousal so high he wanted to get off again. When he licked Julie, slit to clit, he tasted the delicious tang of her juice at the back of his throat. He couldn’t resist grabbing his packer and rubbing it a bit. “You’re not getting yourself off again?” Julie laughed. “I’m so horny lately.” He sucked her clit for just a moment, making her shriek before admitting, “I can’t keep my hands out of my pants. It’s crazy.” “You’re crazy,” she teased. God, it was good to see her smile. Noor flattened his tongue across her clit, shaking his head, anything to get her off. Anything to taste the sweet tang of her p***y. There was nothing in the world he loved more. He’d have Julie for every meal if he could. “Make me come, baby.” Julie ran her fingers through Noor’s hair as he licked her clit. “Suck it, Noor. God, I’ve missed this.” He did as she wished and she flipped out, screaming and squirming. Noor slammed his arms down on her satin thighs to keep her in place. The testosterone must have kicked in even more than he realized, because he’d never been stronger than Julie. Now he could hold her down, hold her still while he worked her with his tongue. She wriggled in his grip, bounced on the mattress, but no, she wasn’t going anywhere. “Yes! f**k, yes!” Julie was always unapologetically loud when her roommate wasn’t home. She went on shouting until Noor pulled away, overcome with lust. “Where are you going?” Julie panted. “Not far.” Noor pulled open Julie’s underwear drawer and fished around for the strap-on harness he knew he’d find in there. The dildo that went with it was pretty realistic, and he loved looking down and pretending it was his d**k. “Oh f**k yes...” Julie brought her t**s to her mouth and sucked her n*****s while she watched him strap on. Usually, Noor would have taken off his pants and underwear, put on the harness, then put his pants back on so the fake d**k stuck out his fly. He was too horny and frenzied to do all that today. If he didn’t f**k his girl soon, his head was going to explode, so he put the harness over his clothes. The dildo sat overtop of his packer, pushing the silicone mass against his clit. It felt amazing. “I love watching,” Julie said. “Especially the moment you shove your c**k in my wet snatch. That’s so f*****g hot.” Noor’s brain sizzled. He wished he could come up with something equally sexy to say, but he wasn’t too good with that sort of thing. The best he could manage was, “Watch this,” as he guided his cockhead into her p***y. “Oh my God.” Julie opened her thighs, mashing her t**s together. Noor stared into the slick pinkness of Julie’s p***y, beyond the aroused peak of her clit. The dildo was “flesh-toned,” though closer to the pallid marble of Julie’s skin than the cinnamon tone of his own. Noor had never actually seen a dildo the same colour as his skin. They were all either too dark or too light, or just the wrong shade of brown. “Harder,” Julie cried, prematurely. Noor wasn’t fully inside of her yet. She was obviously as eager to get f****d as he was to f**k her, so he threw caution to the wind and rammed her hard. “How’s that?” Julie screeched, writhing on the bed, squinting her eyes shut. “Yeah, good. More.” Pushing her thighs down with the flats of his palms, Noor f****d her hard. Julie’s fingers crept down her front. She brushed Noor’s c**k with her nails and smiled before rubbing her bud in tight circles. “Oh yeah, that’s good.” Noor felt oddly proud when Julie got off. He thrust his too-light c**k inside her pink p***y, and it mashed his packer against his clit with every go. Was it Julie’s cries of ecstasy or the sheer sensation of silicone on clit that brought Noor ever closer to that edge? Didn’t matter. When o****m bowled him over for the second time in as many minutes, he wasn’t going to question why. A chorus of curses rang through the rafters. Hopefully Julie’s neighbours weren’t home. Noor hated the idea of bothering people with their o****m noises, but not enough to actually stop. It felt good, too good, too itchy-amazing. He kept thrusting in Julie until his muscles seized. A higher level of c****x beat him down to size, making him shudder with his whole body. Sliding out of her spent p***y, Noor fell beside his sweetheart. Life without Julie just plain sucked, and he was pretty sure he’d shown her how much he cared by building his translator. He didn’t say anything as they struggled to breathe. All she said was, “That was amazing.” Noor couldn’t complain about a review like that. “You were wild,” she said, after a time. “I know. It’s the T.” Her keen smile fell. “Oh. I thought maybe you missed me.” “I did,” he said, feeling like he was falling into a trap, not sure if struggling would help or make things worse. “But for real, my body’s been changing with the upped dose. I’m horny all the time, but I can only work my clit. If I try to shove anything inside, my whole body tightens up. Can’t do it. Oh, and my clit’s getting big. It goes kind of hard when I’m turned on, like a little c**k, just like you call it.” Julie smiled, tilting her head and then kissing Noor’s lips. “Mmm...tastes like pussy.” “So, what did you think of my translator?” Rolling her eyes, Julie said, “I think that thing was rigged.” “It wasn’t. I worked my ass off on it. Maybe I’ll patent it and market the thing to guys like me, or girls like you.” Julie sat up in bed, tucking her big boobs into the cups of her bra. “How many freak-geek couples do you think there are?” “A lot,” Noor said, resting his head on the pillow of her breast. “We complement each other, you with your creativity and me with my ingenuity. Geeks and freaks make the best couples.” Stroking his stubbled cheek, she said, “Baby, I don’t need a machine to tell me that.”
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