
2111 Words

I looked him in the eyes, thought linking him - whatever you want me to do. I felt him get hard against my tummy as his eyes flashed black for a few seconds. I slowly started to kiss his neck, gently tearing his shirt off so I could kiss down his body. I swept my hand down his chest and into his pants, kissing back towards his mouth. I began to kiss his lips hard, taking hold of his c**k in my hand as he moaned into my mouth. His face smirked as he smelled my arousal as my knickers dampened. He slid his hand down into my pants and began to gently rub my clit. It felt good and I wanted him to know. I could control my thought links now but I let go and let him hear every moan and pleasurable thought in my head. ‘Oh baby, you shouldn’t have done that.’ Herd exclaimed. I wanted him to be ro

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