They aren’t here

839 Words

I parked the car and I ran to where we were supposed to meet. We had pinpointed a location and I was struggling to run with the map blowing in the wind. I was over two hours late. My heart was telling me to keep going but my head was telling me they had already given up on me. When I arrived at the point we said we would meet there was nobody there. They had gone, left. They believed I wasn’t coming and they chose to leave. They were probably already on their way to the airport, ready to prepare to be Alphas without their Luna by their side. I walked around the area in case they hadn’t gotten to the right spot. It had begun to rain, but I don’t mean just a bit of drizzle. It was the heavy rain and I could barely see. What I did notice though was a tree with a name carving. S & H The

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